Medieval Aleheather Thingy

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Once upon a time... There was a stupid fucking idiot imbecile, I'm talking absolutely fucking stupid man, with silky shiny brown hair. This man although dumb was exceptionally attractive and royalty . With this god given blessing of being attractive, many young ladies stood out to him. The prince had many relationships but they all seemed to fail. He could never find anyone who he wanted to stay with for a long period of time which upset his family. Being a man whore was not something a prince should do but he did it anyways. One day, he was eating at a fancy restaurant reserved for him and his family when one of the waitresses was super fucking rude but also exceptionally attractive. Luckily for the prince, he was able to read. Her name tag in very near print said "HEATHER". Honestly the name was dreadful, but at least he knew her name nonetheless. "May I have a new fork? This one seems to be rather...dirty" the prince said as he held his fork up in disgust. Heather rolled her eyes and grabbed the fork, stomping back into the kitchen. She walked out of the kitchen and with a fake smile handed the very clean fork to him. "Here you go your...royalty" she muttered. The prince smiled and handed it back. "Why thank you dear... but I wanted a spoon.". He smirked. She put the fork back infront of him. "No you did-". She was about to argue before another waitress named "Courtney" quickly took the fork and replaced it with a spoon. "There you go! Sorry about the service!" She smiled and grabbed Heather. "HEATHER YOU CANT JUST START ARGUMENTS WITH THE FUCKING PRINCE YOU STUPID WHORE OR ELSE WE'RE GONNA BE STRIPPERS LIKE LINDSAY!" Courtney screamed...just a little too loud. The prince's family started to get full and asked for the check. They were not pleased with Heathers horrible service but the prince, Alejandro, made sure she'd get tipped. After Heather brought them the check it was finally her break time. She headed out of the restaurant quickly, dragging her feet as she walked. She didn't want to get fired but she couldn't stand the prince or his snobby family. She had recently moved here in [old timey village name] with her cousin, Ella, to be closer to some of their old childhood friends. She couldn't afford to have another slip-up but for some reason she couldn't get the prince off of her mind. Was it his silky hair that fell neatly on his stupid fucking face? Or was it his annoyingly perfect pearly whites? Either way, she hated him and she was certain of that. She was in her thoughts mindlessly walking into a sketchy part of the town before feeling someone touch her shoulder. Freaked out, she punched the person. And punched and punched and punched until she heard a familiar voice. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Alejandro screamed. "Prince Burromuerto?" She questioned. What was he doing here? His castle was fairly far away from this part of town. She could've swore she left before him, how did she bump into him? "You left without your tip." He said holding a bag full of gold. "Oh I couldn't accept that..." she rolled her eyes and tried to grab the bag. The prince swiftly moved it back into his reach. "Now, I think we got off on the wrong foot back there, and I have a proposition." Heather folded her arms as she listened in with interest. "I will give you this gold if you let me take you out on a date." He leaned in close and caressed her cheek. She swatted his hand away. "I see where this is going...You think I'm going to just LIKE you after you pulled that shit in the restaurant? Hell no."With a lot of persuasion. They made plans to meet at a fancier restaurant in the next town over. While Heather headed home to get ready, Alejandro set up the reservations. "BRUHICAN'TBELIEVETHATYOURGOINGONADATEWITHTHEPRINCEYOU'RESOLUCKYIWISHICOULDGOONADATEWITHTHEPRINCE!. Ella barely huffed out. "It's not that eye for an eye type bullshit Ella. I go in, I talk blah blah blah, then I get the money and leave. In and out mission." Heather said in a matter-a-fact tone. "You can't be so uptight, what if he likes you and it was love at first sight! What if he's your soulmate?" Heather scoffed, she hated that. She grabbed her stuff, spare makeup, some money, and some homemade mace she had gotten from Lindsay. It consisted of mashed peppers, goat piss, and turmeric but it's got the job done if things got too frisky. Heather made some last minute adjustments to her outfit. While doing so, Ella and Heather we're both startled by a knock at the door. "Either it's your knight in shining armor...orrrr the landlord." She swung open the door and looked up at the prince in glee. "Oh! Hello, is...Heather home?" He said, flowers in hand. Ella could only stand there grinning, frozen. Heather pushed Ella aside, "Okay...bye Ella, I'll be back soon." She waves to Ella who was still standing there and shut the door. "She was quite excited to see me." The prince said smugly. "Wish I could say the same." Heather was a bit happy to see him. Happy that he actually showed up. Happy that he thought of getting flower for her. Happy that he Was serious about going on this weird and crazy date. She was weirdly nervous but she tried to shake off that feeling and focus on what she came there for. They rode off in the Prince's horse and carriage and made their way to their dinner reservations. Once they arrived, Heather noticed that that place was pretty empty and very expensive. They were immediately escorted to their seats. They were outdoor seats, surrounded by well kept flowers and live music. "Well...? Do you like it? It was last minute but-" Alejandro cut himself off, admiring Heather taking in the scenery. They had a lovely dinner and no sex happened horny fools 👹.

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