Am I worth Friends?

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After the encounter with Nepeta Karkat kept his hoodie on all day hiding his scars, soon it was lunchtime. Karkat threw his bagged lunch away and settled down outside, headphones in and a thick drawing pad in his lap. Karkat loved to draw. He mainly drew self portraits, or pictures of coffens or sometimes he drew pictures of his friend Sollux captor. Karkat always hid those pictures, Karkat seemed like deep dark person with no friends and he always acted like he didn't even care that he had so many people worried about him. He didn't even care that he had someone who loved him.


Who the fuck said that?? Whatever.

Sollux Captor is a Black haired computer nerd. His best friend is Karkat Vantas and yes this dweeb with bi colored eyes has a girlfriend. Aradia Megido. A dark brown haired, rust eyed beauty. It was awesome that such a nice girl liked him. Even if she was obsessed with death and corpses.

Sollux pushed his red and blue glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighed. He knew KK had this lunch period. Where the fuck was that white haired ass??  Sollux looked out the window and groaned. His friend was sitting underneath a tree drawing and listening to music.  The Captor groaned as he got up and walked outside.


Ok who the fuck is saying that?! Fuck it.

Karkat hummed smiling slightly as he put the finishing touches on his drawing of his crush and Best friend Sollux. Karkat had drawn the other with out  those shitty shades of his, Karkat then took out colored pencils and started to color in Sollux's eyes. The right one was a bright red and the left one was dark blue. Karkat had just started to lightly color a dusting of freckles on the nerdy boys' face when he saw a camera flash. Karkat's head snapped up and he then growled a faint blush on his cheeks. Standing in front of Karkat was Sollux, the taller male grinned down at his friend a cell phone in his hand. Karkat yanked out his headphones and hid his drawing.

"WHAT THE FUCK CAPTOR??!" Karkat screeched as he lunged for the phone.

"Hey KK" Was Sollux's cool resopnse, as he pulled tho phone out of Karkat's reach.


"But you look tho cute when you thmile~" The taller male teased then he reached for the drawing pad "What were you drawing that made you thmile? It mutht be good. Let me thee."

Karkat slowly started to panic as he hugged the drawing pad close and shook his head "HELL NO FUCK NO."

Sollux shrugged then smirked "I'll delete the picture if you thow me your drawing"

Karkat took a deep breath. What did he have to loose? Just the cutest guy ever and his best friend. Karkat the glared at Sollux "PROMISE ME YOU'LL DELETE IT AND THAT YOU WON'T HATE ME?"

Sollux looked puzzled but he nodded.

"WE'LL DO IT THE SAME TIME. OK?" once again sollux nodded and deleted the pic.

"now let me thee that drawing." Sollux lisped smirking.

Karkat let out a deep breath and shoved the notebook in Sollux's hands and then he ran away.

Sollux looked down at the drawing. It was Sollux smiling at karkat. In a cartoon like bubble Karkat's neat tiny print said "I LOVE YOU BUT I'M TO SCARED TO TELL YOU."  That explained why Karkat's drawing of himself had his face covered and a single tear was trailing down his hand.

Sollux's face fell. What had he done. Karkat didn't want to show Him the drawing. But sollux made him. "KK-" Sollux looked up and saw Karkat was gone. Sollux looked at the tree where Karkat once sat and felt something stir inside of him. Sollux got down onto his knees and looked at a carving in the tree. Inside a heart was KV+SC 4 EVER. Sollux knew who carved it and he knew who it was meant to be. Sollux Captor felt like an ass. He had just broken his longest friendship. And he broke his friend.

Am I worth it? ~FINISHED!~Where stories live. Discover now