Chapter 1: Betrayal

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"Gather around" the old mostly drunk man said as he laid back in his chair. The children did as instructed.

" I think it's time for you all to learn about a legendary man and a good friend. A long time ago before the battle of Yavin even before the rise of the empire from order 66 a baby was born. This child lived with his family in peace on the forest planet of Kashyyyk. Before the boy could learn to talk he was abducted by a dark lord of the sith. This man used a false name of Darth Vader, a fallen jedi and a traitor of the republic. Vader sensed the power that this child had so he raided and killed this boy's family to take him and train him in the dark ways of the force. This boy's name was Jason Marek" the old man stopped looking over to his left and smiled. After a second he turned back around to continue his story.

"For 18 years this boy was tortured and pushed to his limits to bring out the worst in him to turn him into a weapon, a monster. Brainwashed by Vader he was forced to do Vader's bidding in a life of hell killing many of Jedi but now it was time for his biggest challenge yet."

Somewhere deep in space Vader walked into a room with a young man in the center with war torn clothes. He was chained to the ground by his wrists. "Jason." Vader said, walking closer to the man.

"You are being given a new assignment." Jason looked up to Vader as he continued.

"You will be hunting and killing the Jedi master Terk Ocdan. He has slipped through our fingers countless times and seems to be hard to kill. I do not expect you to survive but if you do and you fail your task I will not be as kind as last time." Jason looked back down to the floor. Jason takes a moment before saying

"I will do what I must, my master." Vader turned and started walking to the door.

"You will need new clothing to fight Ocdan." Vader states as he signals for a stormtrooper to bring in new black and red robes for Jason with two lightsabers and a data cylinder on top. Vader left the room and the sliding door closed and locked before the stormtrooper could leave.

"Hey open the door get me the hell out of here!" the stormtrooper said pounding on the door. The chains suddenly released from Jason's wrists. Jason slowly stood up and used the force to pull his lightsabers to his hands. He activated the twin crimson blades. The stormtrooper turned around in horror, lifting up his blaster he fired to protect himself. Jason deflected them with ease. With the force Jason enhanced his speed to quickly remove the troopers arm and put him on his knees. Jason crossed his sabers around the troopers neck. The stormtrooper looked up and begged.

"Please show mercy!" The sabers made an unusual sound as they slid off each other cutting through the troopers neck and removing his head. Jason turned and put on the new clothes given to him by Vader. He slid on the hood and wrapped his arms with fabric to prevent the baggy sleeves from getting in his way. He hooked his lightsabers on each side of his waist belt and grabbed the data cylinder before using the force to unlock a different door. Walking out Jason entered into a hanger with one ship in it. The ship was black fairly large with a rhombus shape to it. Jason approaches the ship as the loading ramp lowers and a droid walks down.

"Good morning master." the droid said moving out of the way for Jason to enter the ship.

"Open up droid." Jason said, showing the droid the data cylinder.

"You know sir I do have a name." the droid said as a panel opened up on his chest revealing a hole for the cylinder.

"And when I start caring I'll ask for it." Jason said dismissively. He put in the data cylinder and the droid projected an old man from its wide middle eye. The man was wearing basic Jedi robes with a wrapped arm like Jason had done himself. He had a belt going across his chest to hold his lightsaber on his back. The man even had a little shin armor for at least some protection. His hair was pulled up into a bun revealing the left side of his face badly scarred and his robotic left eye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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