chapter 11

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"Think that did it?" Alan asked looking back, but his question was answered when he saw that the queen was now in pursuit of them, following the plan he flew Gordon through the many rock formations that littered the island hoping to slow it down, but it simply bashed through them, not affecting it one bit. The Vikings cheered as he flew past but as the large dragon crashed through more rocks the shock wave pushed them back, Alan looked up and to his delight, there were some dark clouds above him, perfect for Gordon to hide in. "Ok Gords, time to disappear!" Alan opened up the tail and Gordon flew up into the clouds with the queen not far behind them, it opened its mouth to fire, but Alan now recognizing the sign managed to avoid it as they flew deeper into the clouds. The queen then tried to eat them but she only got empty air as Alan and Gordon were now hidden in the clouds.

She roared at them to come out of hiding, down below the Vikings couldn't see what was happening and thought that they had lost, up in the clouds Gordon fired a Plasma blast at the queen and continued to use the clouds to his advantage while firing the occasional plasma blast, the Vikings were amazed as all they could see was the occasional flash of light and the giant shadow of the queen. The queen roared angrily and shot her fire randomly into the clouds, firing it everywhere in hope to hit them. "Look out!" Alan called and they narrowly managed to avoid being burned but the fire touched Gordon's prosthetic tail and Alan knew that he was running out of time. "Ok, time's up. Let's see if this works" Gordon then dived down towards the queen "come on! Is that all you got?" he shouted and Gordon roared as they flew past, the queen tried to take another bite but they avoided and dived down with the queen following. The queen got closer and closer despite Gordon flying as fast as he could, Alan fidgeted with the pedal for the prophetic, "stay with me bud, we're almost there. Just a little bit longer" Gordon nodded and they continued to dive down, with the getting ground closer and closer, the queen having them in its sight, it narrowed its eyes and its mouth filled with the flammable gas "hold Gordon. Hold..." Alan said, closing his eyes and waiting for the right moment "NOW!" he yelled and Gordon flipped over and fired a plasma blast in the queen's mouth and they watched as its eyes widened and it opened its large wings to slow its descent but the wings began to burn up.

It roared in pain and Gordon flipped around and opened his wings, narrowly missing flying into the queen's mouth, the queen crashed into the ground creating a huge explosion and its body began to burn up. Gordon quickly flew over the queen's burning body, avoiding its spikes the best he could, but his tail gave way just as they reached the large tail, "no, NO!" Alan screamed as he was hit by the tail and fell off the saddle unconscious, Gordon roared anxiously and desperately flapped to him.

"ALAN! SON?" Jeff yelled looking through the dusty battlefield, he then spotted a shadow and raced towards it, with his sons following him but all he saw was Gordon, he looked at the saddle and saw that it was empty, he looked at the twisted, burning wires that remained of the prophetic tail, Gordon shifted moaning slightly and Jeff suddenly realized what happened, behind him, he heard John gasp and Virgil whispering no but he barely heard it. He knelt down in front of Gordon "oh, son" he whispered feeling ashamed "I did this". Behind the rest of the Vikings gathered and saw what happened, Tintin pushed her way to the front with Taylor and gasped in horror, the Vikings bowed their heads in respect and shame even the dragons roared sadly. Scott held his younger brothers close as they fell to their knees, Virgil looked like he was about to go to their father but Scott grabbed his shoulder and shook his head. Gordon moaned and slowly opened his eyes and stared at Jeff. "I-I'm so sorry" Jeff whispered to both Alan and Gordon. Gordon continued to stare at him before he carefully unfurled his wings and revealed Alan laying limp and unconscious in his paws.

"ALAN!" Jeff exclaimed and ran to him, he threw off his helmet and gently picked him and held his ear to his chest, to his relief he could still hear his heart still beating strongly "you brought him back alive" he choaked out "you brought my son back alive!" behind him Scott hugged his brothers happily and Tintin gasped happily and the rest of the Vikings cheered happily but were slightly but off by the dragons who roared in celebration, Jeff gently placed his hand on Gordon's head who snorted "thank you. For saving my son"

"Well, most of him" Taylor interrupted and Jeff stared at him and Taylor indicated at his foot, and Jeff suddenly realized that Alan had lost his right foot in the crash.

"Dad" Jeff looked up at John's voice and saw his sons racing towards him "is Alan ok?"

"he's going to be alright son" Jeff smiled "thanks to Gordon" he gently stroked Gordon's head and his sons followed his actions gently, whispering their thanks

"uhh, not to ruin this moment, but how are we going to get home?" Taylor wondered, luckily Alan had already planned for that, he figured that the queen would destroy the boats, so before they left he made sure to get some boats ready for the Vikings. Tintin flew back to berk on Stormfly with the others following her and grabbed the boats and dragged them to the island. Unfortunately, the dragons couldn't drag more than 2 boats each so it was a squishy ride back but no one minded. However, Jeff's boat only had him, his family, Taylor, and Gordon as Alan needed a gentle ride back to Berk, the ride only took a few hours but it felt like days, Gordon was upfront with Alan keeping an eye on him, not that they minded when they eventually reached berk to their surprise and amazement they saw the dragons from the nest were on Berk but luckily weren't attacking, just watching them curiously.

"They were here when we arrived, they were going to attack us but our dragons calmed them down" Tintin explained as they docked and Jeff carefully carried Alan back to his hut, luckily Kayo had already called her father to meet him there to treat him, while they were waiting the Vikings decided to bond with the dragons that were now on Berk, Tintin took charge and helped each Viking bond with a different dragon; Scott bonded with a Razor Whip that he named Platinum, Virgil bonded with a green and yellow Rumble Horn that he named Smasher, John bonded with a white Hobblegrunt that he named EOS, Taylor managed to bond with a Triple Strike that he named Alfie. Even Jeff bonded with a dragon when he came out, he bonded with a blue and silver Skrill that he named Bolt, everyone had crowded around him asking how Alan was and all he said was that Alan would be fine, everyone cheered including the dragons and Taylor went about making alan a Prosthetic leg and made a new saddle and tail for Gordon, making sure to make a place to hook his new leg, although they had spent a long time arguing Jeff allowed Gordon into the hut until Alan woke up.

Just the epilogue left to go, so did you like the dragon choices I gave the rest of the Tracys? Also i changed Jeff's Shock Jaw to a skrill because i looked back and realized that the Shock Jaw looked a little small for someone to be able to ride on it. plus a Skrill looks way cooler

Also, I read through this a dozen times, but if you spot any mistakes please tell me!

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