Ecoflower Tea

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Storyshift Sans x Storyshift Frisk


a/n: this is inspired from one of the random comics in google.

Frisk's PoV

I really like King Sans for a while now, I always hangout with him or go on short walks with him but I wasn't planing on telling him my feelings anytime soon...

I was walking through waterfall and decided to stop by and talk to the eco flowers, to let out my feelings...

Sans' PoV

I asked some of the monsters to get me some ecoflowers, Frisk will be going to be visiting here and I want her to try out ecoflower tea, she's been wanting to taste it for a while now and figured that she would want that.

Frisk's PoV

I'm about to go to New Home, disscussing about the surface and stuff, I opened the surface 5 month ago but King Sans is too lazy to even bother, so he just let them go there if they want to, but they still live here, I guess they are having a rough time living up there, considering humans are afraid of monsters due to the stupid tales that mothers always say to their children.

Anyways, I walked in new home and there I saw King Sans sitting on his throne, probably napping...

"King Sans?" I called, looking if he's awake or not

"Just call me Sans" He said in a muffled voice

"Oh, Sorry Ki- Sans" I said, almost calling him King again

Sans' PoV

Why is the ecoflowers taking so long? Anyways, Frisk is here, guess we'll just wait for it..

"Take a sit" I said, we don't want our guests standing and doing nothing, right?

"Thank you, anyways you called me here to talk about the surface, what do you wanna ask?" She said

Actually the surface talk is merely a excuse to let Frisk here, I actually liked her, but I'm King and I have duties to do, so I have no time for love and too lazy to even bother about it

"Will the monsters have a place there?" I said

She frowned and told me.

"I actually don't know, humans are really having a hard time understanding monsters, so I don't think so" She said clearly unhappy about the topic

"I think you could be our ambassador, to help them understand monsters and to help us understand humans" I said.

good thinking, now she would spend time here more..

"KING!!" someone called me, guess some affairs to do...

"can ya wait here a moment" I said politely

"sure" she replied

I walked towards the entrance where I heard them calling, I saw them holding a basket of ecoflowers, but one of them is in a different section.

"what so so special about this one" I asked, curious why they removed it from the rest

"this is what we want you to hear, your majesty" one of the monsters said

I tapped it and it said in a woman's voice

"I never had a crush before, but this one really makes me feel like I'm a queen, I really liked King Sans a long time but never really planning on telling him, guess I was just too scared of rejection"

I felt my cheeks heat up, that was Frisk's voice but ecoflowers sometimes change the owner's voice.

Still I wonder, what if that was really Frisk...

"cook it up with the rest" I said, trying not to show them that made my non-existent heart, pound.

Frisk's PoV

Sans came back and sat on the other side of the table, he was BLUSHING!

well, that was cute but I think it was for someone else.

"h-hey, I t-told m-my servants to cook up ecoflower tea since you told me you want to try it" He said

I felt my cheeks heat up, he remembered what I said, 1 month ago, that's cute...

Sans' PoV

Should I tell her?

Maybe I should....

The ecoflower tea arrived, it's still hot, Then I decided to tell her

"h-hey, one o-of the eco flowers said that it like me, isn't it funny?"

Her eyes widened and she spitted out her tea...

Frisk's PoV

Out of all freaking flowers he got one that I TALKED TO!

"heh.. y-y-yeah that's funny..." I said, kinda disapointed that he only found it funny

"haha, it was funny considering it was using your voice" he said while blushing

wait, did he liked me?

"And I love the person who has that voice" he said blushing hardly



"y-y-yeah, it was f-funny considering I was the one who t-talked to the f-flower.." I said nervously, only a phrase running through my mind

please don't reject me.

Sans' PoV

I... was speechless, all this time she also liked me

Now I feel brave that I know that she also liked me...

"wanna go out and date?" I said happily

"of course" she said happily


"It was funny considering that our relationship started because of a single ecoflower, right m'queen" I said

"And now we also have a little princess" she said while looking at her little baby bump

"yeah" I said

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