Dragon Rider

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Her eyes were sad syrupy azure orbs that bore into me with so much pity, I felt sick. 

"You have no Idea how it feels to be felt sorry for with such an intensity anything you want is handed to you,” The fluttering of a quill echoed throughout the room.

 I swallowed my throat was hot and dry as I watched the woman in front of me. 

“You have no idea how it feels to, to, to GET UP! Every damned morning and remember that you can't control your future," She looks at me pretending as if she cares about what I'm saying and jots something down. 

The linolem floor is reflected in one of her horn-rimmed glasses "That someone is sitting there shaping it for you as to avoid anything away from the plan from happening,”

 As I say this mother comes to mind, fathers sneer is burned into my vision their voices ringing into my ears. Whispering about my eventual rule. 

“You have no idea how it feels to have you body heat up like a furnace, have your eyes light with embers, body pulsate with the blood of fire angrily pounding against your skull begging to burn something,”

I can’t help but notice the woman staring at her crucifix above my head looking a bit flustered. My eyes slde from her to  the crucifix her piggy face is the complexion of a sunbather without sunblock or tan lotion, blotchy and mottled.

“I’m no demon Mrs. Pensey,”

My gaze is cool and collected I rest my arms on the chairs sides smirking at her, telling her she wasn’t worth the two hundred and thirty dollars an hour she was making. She kept shifting from leg to leg putting her piece of parchment down.

“ I think no such thing Master Malfoy I fear it is getting a bit stuffy in here,” She pushes a strand of pepper colored hair out of her face and waddles to the window. I lean over peering onto her side table at the small piece of cream paper.

In thick letters she’s written. “Mentally disturbed, demonic, unfit to join society, has funny aura, causes room to heat,”

I lean away from the paper angry, how dare she cally me unfit to join the people who raised me in public. How dare she call me a demon.

“Master Malfoy,” Her voice is soft and trembling. I tilt my face downwards trying to contain the heat rising in my belly. Trying to stop the burn behind my temples.

“Have you ever been to an exorcist?” I abruptly stood knocking a castle chair over.


I point at the door.

“I can help you Master Malfoy,”

I continue to point I want to burn this woman so bad just to shut her up.


I let some of the fire within me seep out of my hand hitting fire-proof wallpaper.

The woman’s eyes widen in fear and she nods scuddling out with her head down.

“Rot in hell,” She mumbles, part of me longs to snatch the woman up and give her a piece of the Malfoy wrath but I know if I do it’d omit us socially from everything.

She scuffles out the door escorted by a small maid girl with mousy brown hair. 

I watch them leave, I watch the fire die down, I watch the door slam shut. 

I am alone finally, alone. 

Whoever my rider is I need to find them. 

For I am a dragon and I need my tamer.

 Or my fire will consume me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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