Introduction - Chapter 1

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My name is Y/N. I'm a normal high school girl who lives a kind of boring life.
I'm a huge weeb and watched more anime than I would ever admit. Of course, I also read a lot of mangas. But I'm more into watching.

My mom doesn't like my „phase" . But I can tell that this isn't a phase. Since I was 9 I am totally obsessed with anime.

My Dad is never home and I don't see him often. Like, never. When he's at home, I have school. I feel like he keeps away from me because he doesn't want to see me.
I think he isn't proud of me or something.

But I learned how to not give a damn about that. He can think what he wants to think. It's my life and I can decide what I'm going to do with it.

Whatever, sometimes I wish I could just disappear in another world. It would be pretty cool to wake up in an anime.
But the sad truth is, that this will never happen. Totally impossible.

Right now it just sucks to be home. You know, this quarantine thing is still going on.
That means mom is pissed and my dad doesn't show up.

And me? Well I'm in my room 24/7 watching anime and sleeping. Right now sleep is my best friend.

Even now I'm hidden in a blanket and just stare at my wall.
That's all you need to know about me... for now. So to come back to presence....


I looked at my phone.

„Oi Y/N! You heard about this new anime? I need to watch it!! Wait I'm gonna look up the name.."

My best friend texted me. I smiled.

„Hi. No haven't heard about this new anime.. what's the name? I'm just looking the trailer if you think that's good.."

It took her some time to answer but after five minutes I got an answer.

„K.. so it's called boku no hero academia or my hero academia. I watched the trailer and it's awesome! I think it's about superheroes and stuff like that."

„Mh.. I'm not really into stuff like that but I'll just watch the trailer and text you after that."

„Sounds great!"

I opened my PC and googled the anime name.
Man everywhere are videos! People really like this anime... must be good.

I stared the video and a broccoli boy appeared.
He seems nice.

*timescip because I can*

Just in time I got a call from my bestie.

„What's taking you so long?? Already found ur next crush?", she said with a giggle.

„What? No! Haha I just finished the Trailer-„


„I'll totally watch it. It seems interesting. What about you?"

„Same. Imagine having quirks. Would be so cool!"

„Well... I don't know much about it now so... I can't tell. But yeah, probably. I think it's dangerous too though..."

„Maaaaan Y/N You're always so thoughtful. Just admit it. You would love to have a quirk."

„Okay maybe! Also... you know where I can watch the anime?"

„Yeah on this Website Like always."

„Oh okay. Thank you."

„K. I'm gonna watch it now hehe. Bet I'm finished first?"

„I don't know. See ya!"

„Bye bye!"

I hang up with a little smile. I love her intusiasm. She's literally the only person I know who's also so obsessed with anime like me. I can talk with her about EVERY anime.
I think she have seen more than me.

„Oh shit-„
My eyes widened as I looked at the clock. It was already 2 am!! How did it just became so late again!?

Living in an anime?! - Shouta Aizawa x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now