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The party just ended, presents unwrapped and Drunks on the floor.

There were bags under my eyes when someone knocked on the door.

I looked at the clock, T'was half past three.

I rushed to the door wondering who could it be?

When I opened the door, no one was there.

If that knock wasn't from the door, then from where?

I looked at a nearby window and saw,

Standing out there was 'ol Santa Claus!

I crept closer to the window just to see,

If it was real or if I'm just going cra-zy

Santa was there but looked weird.

He looked like something I should've feared.

His eyes were bloody, in fact

They looked like they were recently pierced with tacs.

His hands were scissors and his teeth were like knives

All I could think to do was hide.

I peeked from my spot to look at his face.

As soon as I did he said "Get out of that hiding place."

His face was all scratched, broken and bashed.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

He twisted his head 360 degrees,

He said "that question I can answer with ease."

"You see, those stories they tell are very good lies"

"But the true story I'll tell you, and you'll be surprised."

"I always enjoyed watching children sleep."

"People, however always called me a creep."

"I spy on children, watch what they do."

"Seeing if they're naughty or nice... I spy on you too."

His neck stretched long and swirled.

You could tell right away this made his stomach curl.

He vomited blood on the glass,

As snakes came from behind, I assumed from his ass.

As I watched the horrific sight

I wondered is Santa this fucking creepy ev'ry night?

"Like what you see?" he asked.

I sat there stunned, then I gave a hysterical laugh.

I ended up twisting my head to the side.

My neck was bloody and on the carpet I died.

I woke at 7 to find I wasn't dead,

At half past three I could've just lost my head!

Until I seen a present under the tree.

That present wasn't there half past three.

Dear Nolee, it read.

It took a while to patch up your head.

I'd like to watch you finish your sleep,

But I really do have a schedule to keep!

It took all I had to see what was inside,

When I seen what it was, my eyes went wide.

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