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Helloo! I am misswondering, call me miss or author, or whatever y'all like.

Seems like all of us still needs to survive against this pandemic, don't we?

It's alright to feel down especially in situation towards this unfamiliar conditions.

Don't forget to calm yourself and never doubt The Creator of All.

Hopefully, all of us can keep up and search ways to adapt and deal with this whole new challenging situations.

Okey, I'll cut the small talks and give y'all a small introduction for the next chapters.

In addition to the story description, I'm gonna tell y'all that in each chapter will have different characters with their own issues and some may meet one another in the future chapter to create a new story(?).

The purpose behind this stories is that I've always wanted the readers to know each character, as a person, has their own troubles and shared their ways of handling things. All of their decision will have its own impact towards each other.

Whatever conclusion they will take, whether some may be genuine or just fake, foolish or genius, caring or apathetic, it may shows some implication toward the term with different respond.

Either way, bad or good, we have a gift for example the sun that gives light for all of us. We may not know our purpose. But there's one thing that is for sure, we need to go on.

As the author, I like to be less judging as possible towards the characters cause I kinda understand that each person have its own colour and beauty.

So, I really wish that y'all can gain something from my work.

Have a good time! 🐱

Ohhh, I almost forget to tell the reason why I choose the title as "Cache of Terms".

Just in case if y'all wondering why.

In Cambridge dictionary, I find that cache is not limited to be used for only IT terms.

In fact, it also can be used to hide some "illegal" things like drugs or bombs. ⛔

I used the term cache to store these unfamiliar terms that have --some-- applicable meanings.

Cache (n):
a secret or hidden store of things, or the place where they are kept.

Well the term that I used need a place to store and help contain it.

As the result, I connect "A cache of" with "terms" (Plural).

Term (n) have the meaning:
a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject, often to describe something official or technical.


See y'all next month on 12th

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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