Whispering Woods

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Peculiar – (English) [ May 17, 2020 ]

It was another ordinary spring day where young little Nicole constantly played on the yard and danced around near the sunflower meadows.

The young Nicole got back home to drink some water, but as she was entering the door, the breeze suddenly hit peculiarly. It was a lot more different than that of the meadows.

She ran down the porch and felt the breeze, which she was sure there was something in the wind.

Staring out on the forest, waiting for anything to come, young little Nicole felt a little chill running down her spine, which surely made her uncomfortable.

Enough playtime for today, she thought.

She went back home, and as she closed the door, a little sound tickled her ear.

It was like a faint whisper that came from the woods.

She looked out her window and saw nobody, yet she was sure it was made by a person.

Young little Nicole sat by the window and waited for the sound to play again. Was it only from her imagination?

"Hey there. Until when are you going to stare out there?" said her sister, who was offering her some freshly baked muffins.

"Until I hear that sound again!" she answered.

"Oh, what kind of sound was it?" her mother asked her again.

"It was like a really high pitched one, but it was feint."

"Oh, was it a whistle?"


"Okay then. Have fun!"

"Umm... wait!" little Nicole grabbed her sister's dress. "Maybe you can teach me?"

Her sister smiled at her, "Sure thing!"

Her sister patiently thought her how to whistle, and little Nicole practiced and practiced all day.

Everyday, she practiced whistling by the window, which made the wind rustle and the breeze flow every now and then.

The slowly soothing sound was heard each day from the little home near the forest.

About two week passed. Young Nicole was sitting once again by the window. After countless times of practicing, the child finally knew how to whistle.

She spent her breaths whistling all day, waiting for the sound to come back.

The moring passed. The whole afternoon, and the sun gradually hid down the horizon.

"Don't stay up too late, will you little one?"


Nicole was just waiting patiently, quietly for the sound to replay. It was already dark. Her sister was already asleep. The thought of getting up went inside her mind when what she was waiting for all day suddenly came.

The sound played.

Young Nicole quickly took a flashlight and ran towards the dark forest without her sister's consent.

She ran and ran as the whistle played. She constantly whistled back and breathed every now and then.

The sound grew louder, and clearer. Young Nicole knew the sound was getting nearer.

"Hey there! Are you lost?" young Nicole shouted as she ran towards the sound.

The sound suddenly stopped, and the girl too stopped on her tracks.


The forest was too silent. There were no ruslting of any leaves, nor the squeaking of the bats. There weren't any sound of any wild reindeers running away.

Young little Nicole felt nervous, and whistled, hoping it would overcome the night's dead silence.

The whistle played again, which little up the young child.

She ran, and ran towards the sound. As she ran, the child did not notice the ground was getting rocky, and tripped and fell on the gravel.

She stood up, knowing that the whistling sound was nearby.

The girl looked around with her flashlight. And as it moved, the light from it reflected something strange on ground.

It was the source of the sound.

She picked it up and put it near the light, and what she saw truly surprised the imaginations out of her.

It was a tiny house, with a tiny porch like theirs. It actually kinda resembles like the girl's home.

As she looked closer, she saw a little girl peeking out the window.

It was her.

But tinier.

It was the source of the whistling sound she heard.

The pocketed the tiny thing and went back home.

"Sis! Hey, Sis! Look what I found!"

"Nicole! Where in the world have you been?!"

The child ignored her sister's question and took out what she took with her from the forest.

But as she touched her pocket, there was no bulge of something. The pocket was completely empty.

She tried looking for the other one.

"What are you–?"

"I-it was here! T-the toy! The whistling sound!"

"Oh baby. Come on now, it was only your imagination. Now, go to sleep."


But the child couldn't sleep that night.

What she had waited for two weeks happened to be just from her imagination.

It was no child.

Nor any creature,

nor any toy.

It was her imagination.

The sound replayed and replayed on her mind, which made her constantly make the sound herself.

It became her lullaby, her music, her friend.

This was inspired by someone whistling for wind to come at our home and I just randomly replied with a whistle as well. Oh yeah, my imagination.


Ang susunod na istorya ay tungkol sa isang babae at ang kaniyang panic attack.

The next tale will be about a girl and her panic attack.

tales inside my headTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon