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i beg her not to give up on me now, i shook her body as i see her fighting to keep her eyes open, i needed explanations, i need her, she can't leave me.

the guy turned his back from us, about to walk away but i just took the gun & shot him, i didn't know where i shot but he dropped to the ground unconscious, along with the other two guys, i shot them too.

i dropped the gun after seeing the unconscious sight of this 3 guys infront of me, but i shouldn't care about that now, i took y/n with all the energy i had left & went up the stairs.

"where's y/n? she's supposed to be at the apartment but she's not ,so is she here?" i asked the guys after walking into their shared house, it was already 2am & i should start picking her up for the airport.

"im not sure, she just left after talking to jungwoo, looks like she left in a hurry too." jaehyun said & i rushed into jungwoo's room

"i heard y/n was here before she rushed off somewhere, where did she go? where is she?" i ask the younger guy who was infront of me. "she just told me to track for this basement, she might be there, im not sure, do you want me to track her?" jungwoo ask & i nodded my head, he then started tracking.

jungwoo tracked her & send me her location, we have a tracking device for each other so if emergency things happen we can eventually find each other.

i went out looking for her at her given location, but she wasn't there, instead i found her leaning against a guy, she was bleeding through her clothes.

i ran towards her & i looked at the guy, "who are you? you aren't a part of us." i told the guy that was with her, he was pretty beaten up too, he looked like he needed some help as well.
"p-please help her..t-they s-shot her" he told me while crying his eyes out, i quickly took her to the car & asked him to hop in as well because who knows he might leak this information, even though i didn't know what happen.

i quickly took her back into the house & i carried her into the operating room we have & told taeil hyung to come to her.

"she got shot, bullet might still be inside, emergency operation on her now." i told him ad he nodded, immediately dressing himself in the gown to get to work. since it was about 3am the other guys were asleep.

i went to the guy that was with y/n & told him to tell me the whole story.

he told me everything that happened and it somehow only caused him to cry even more, im heartbroken that y/n is in the state i have never seen her in before but what's more important now is definitely not balling my eyes out.

"are you minhyuk?" i asked & he nodded his head. "so you're the one, that is kind of holding her back from leaving huh?" he looked up after hearing what i said. "huh?" he asked. "i've never seen her ever having any friends, or holding back for someone, or even taking a bullet for someone, what kind of spell did you cast on her?" i asked him, jokingly but not really jokingly.

i decided to help him up & use the first aid kit for him, after all if he is important to my sister he is important to me too.

"lie down there, i'll help you."

"i've never seen her ever having any friends, or holding back for someone, or even taking a bullet for someone, what kind of spell did you cast on her?" he said as i felt my heartbeat fasten up..she act like i was nothing to her but she took a bullet for me..

he told me to lie down as he went to take the first aid kit, there is many scars on my arm & face but it hurt the most in my stomach.

after applying everything i sat up & another guy in a operating gown came down, "she's still unconscious & she is in a critical state, not sure when she'll be up but i'll monitor her condition."

to be continued..
sorry for his shitty chapter..

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