☆Written in The Stars☆

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The brunette ran, fearfully. Behind her, loud footsteps. She was being chased by a monster, a beast. The only chance she had to protect herself from the grasp of the creature was to hide behind a tree yet it would only hide her temporarily.

"Pl-Please... someone save me..." She muttered in a pleading voice, "Please...".

Suddenly, a bright beam of light shone. Upon the sight of the bright beam, the brunette wished her goodbyes to her life as it lured the monster before a spark of electricity shocked the monster. The fear of the girl shot threw the roof, she breathed heavily as a figure of a male body approached her.

☆~ Earlier that day ~☆

A girl smiled as she helped out around the house, humming as she swept just before her older brother suddenly hugged her. She looked very different to him, she had fair skin and non-pointed ears as well as wide and curious blue eyes while he had skin that had a slight green tinge, pointed ears, and slanted grey eyes. It was obvious that... she was different from her family as if she was adopted into it.

"Yo, Celesi!" He cheered in a deep voice as he hugged her.

"D-Dalmar...! St-Stop...!" She panicked, "I-I need to do my chores...!"

"Okay," He pouted as he let go, "If only you knew magic, life would be so much easier" He chuckled jokingly with a smirk on his face. However, Celesi took this terribly, going back to sweeping with tears in her eyes.

"Y-You're mean..." Celesi muttered in a tearful tone, her shy blue eyes glancing up at her brother as she swept.

"A-Ah... sorry..." Dalmar stammered. He seemed to regret his comment he meant as a joke.

Eventually, Celesi finished with her chores and was now on her bed. Her bedroom looked magical, enchanting. It was purple with a wall painted with a night sky scenario. Her ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars. Her bed, also purple and starry. It was obvious she had fascinations with the mysterious place we know as the universe. She also had a bookshelf plastered with notebooks, reading books. She wrote and read a lot; it seemed. Her reading books appeared to be themed around magic and fantasy.

Celesi sighed as she stared outside to the nearby forest before grabbing her notebook and pencil case, making her way to the front door. With a small voice, she calls to her mother "I-I'm just going out for a bit mum, I-I'll try not to be late for dinner...~!" before leaving the house to a bustling kingdom of various creatures - elves, unicorns, centaurs. You name it.

This was Preria, the kingdom of color and the second largest kingdom of Maethilia behind Xelyra, the kingdom of fire. The kingdom was a sight to behold, a rainbow of colors surrounded the area, bustling streets of talk, and all creatures imaginable. Yet, there was only one like Celesi... there was only one "human" as named by the locals. Celesi walked through the streets, watching all the other species mingle and being friendly with each other yet she couldn't help but feel a slight bit of loneliness when watching kids her age hang out.

She knew she was different from her schoolmates, she knew her schoolmates saw her as too different from them. She was obviously, after all, she wasn't a creature of Earth Mythology - she was a human. Yet Celesi somewhat liked it though, since she didn't have to spend every day around a loud group of people... well apart from Dalmor and her younger sister, Yena. But, she didn't care, it's her family after all.

As she walked, she noticed that the scenery was growing differently, it was growing darker and darker every second, every step she walked. That was until she heard it. Screams were heard as citizens of the previously bustling Preria erupted into monsters. Naturally, Celesi grew fearful and terrified.

"Wh-What's going on?!" Celesi fearfully and loudly questioned, seeing if anyone would answer her queries. Receiving no answer to her fear produced question, Celesi felt the breath of a beast behind her. She went into fight or flight mode. Naturally, she ran. After all, it was her only choice since she had no sense of courage or confidence in her. She ran as quick as she could, trying to outrun this monster that chased her down like a predator hunting for its prey. She was slowly running low on stamina. She couldn't hold up running for much longer. It hurt, it was difficult for her to breathe. Yet she continued running, she didn't want to lose her life to a dangerous monster.

She was slowly approaching the forest she was heading towards as she ran.

"M-Maybe... I can lose it in there..." Celesi thought to herself. She had to find safety. She ran into the forest. Knowing her way around this dark place, she managed to hide behind a tree yet she couldn't help but stay scared. This has never happened to the peaceful Preria before. The monster slowly approached the forest, having lost sight of the brunette.

Despite not being able to see the creature, Celesi could feel it's footsteps rattle and shake the ground. Her heart was pounding, beating rapidly. She was shaking in fear, she was silently crying. She didn't want to be the next meal of the demonic thing that was chasing her. She didn't want to nor wouldn't say goodbye to her family. She had to stay alive no matter what yet it seemed not very likely, impossible even to stay away from the jaws of a fiend that was bloodlust, hungry for flesh.

"S-Someone... please save me..." She muttered, "Pl-Please...".

Suddenly, the area prospered with white light, a beam of energy blasting up into the sky. She didn't know what it was but she knew she would be dinner if the light didn't stop. She could hear the breaths of the creature approaching her, the fiend attracted to the light that glowed intensely and vividly.

"I-I need to run..." Celesi thought before seeing a male figure strolling towards her. With this, Celesi grew even more scared. Suddenly, the boy produced electricity from his hands by clicking before sending it towards the monster. Celesi was shocked, not quite literally but she was shocked that this mysterious boy saved her.

Upon closer inspection, he had platinum blonde hair with a bolt-shaped gold-colored bang hanging off on the right. His eyes were scarlet-colored with deep black pupils and his expression appeared emotionless, apathetic. He also had wings sprouting from his back and wore a hoodie of dark blue and joggers that were a deep brown whilst holding a golden scepter endorsed with stars and moon symbols. He stared at the panic-stricken girl, her eyes teary as they looked at each other eye to eye.

"Welcome back, Twilight" The boy announced, bowing as a result but confusing the hell out of Celesi.

"Tw-Twilight...?" The brunette questioned in response to his announcement, "I-Isn't she the legendary warrior who protected Maethilia a millennia ago?"

He nodded in response, "You are the new incarnation, Celesi Luna. You have the power to destroy the monsters that have befallen the world. For you are the new Twilight." He stated as he held out the scepter towards her, his eyes glowing, "Now, take the Twilight Scepter and unfold your destiny!" he declared, his voice had a deep and serious tone with his cold expression and glowing eyes merging in with the importance of his declaration.

"I-I don't believe you..!" Celesi shouted suddenly in response.

"Why not?" Álvanor questioned, "Haven't you always dreamed of having magic, being the only one of your home without a magical ability of your own? With the power of Twilight, you'll have the magic to change the world, defeat the incoming evil." he explained.

"It... just seems too unreal...! H-How can I know if you're telling the truth?!" She exclaimed, true concern in her small voice.

"Just... trust me... I have walked among this planet searching for the new holder of Twilight for the past 1000 years and you are her." Álvanor sternly laid out to the shy brunette, "Take the scepter, trust me..." he insisted, his voice using a chilling and stern tone.

Hesitantly, the small girl reached her hand out towards the scepter and, though initially pulling her hand away a couple of times out of fear and her mind telling her not to, she placed her hand on the scepter before light shined again, even brighter than before...

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