They walk in on you changing

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-"How about instead of you putting clothes back on, you keep them off?"
-"Richie OUT"
-You have to full force push him out
-You learn to lock the door after that

-Face is redder than his shorts
-has to take 10 hits from his inhaler
-Is frozen
-Can't even run out he's so frozen
-You hug him, still not fully changed
-He takes 10 more hits and runs out

-Pervy Jew, once again ;)
-"Why don't you just yano, sucky sucky?"
-"Stanley. Get. Out. Now"
-"Make me"
-"I will punch you straight in your bitchy ass face"

-"H-h-hey h-h-have y-y-ou s-s-seen m-my SHIT"
-Leaves faster than my dad

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