Monster madness (Rewritten)

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-----------------------BBH's POV----------------------


"WHAT THE HELL,HOW?!?"Techno screamed."What- where am I?!"I looked around and with the torches that lit some of the area up and saw blocks."Im dreaming right?, everything is blocky like minecraft." "Im afraid your not,now for your own safety take this stuff and craft a sword."O-ok..."I went and crafted a sword and began fighting."How did we even get here?!?"

---------------------Skeppy's POV--------------------

After explaining everything to bad he looked a bit mad but at the same time confused."It couldn't of been intentional,right?"Bad asked."No way anyway if it was why would he risk being here in such a vulnerable state,wouldn't he be in some type of spectator mode?" "Yeah most likely."Techno said while slashing a skeleton."Also This isn't 100% minecraft-" "Ya don't say?" "-The mobs are smarter." "Yeah and also WHY IS THE NIGHT SO LONG BUT DAY SO SHORT?!?!" I said stabbing the last mob in our fort."Well now that there gone lets reinforce this wall and get some sleep." "But im not that tired..."bad said chopping a tree."Then go mining if you want just be careful."I suggested "Ok i guess that works well ill be back then."Bad said while beginning to walk away.After he was gone we began patching up the wall with cobblestone."This should be secure enough for now." I said."Yep now im going to bed."Techno said walking over to his bed,I did the same and flopped on my bed."Goodnight!"Techno yelled."Gooonight."I said with my head in my blankets.

271 Words

Im back yay i edited a few words from Bad's POV and rewrote ALOT of Skep's POV.

Thanks for reading!


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