Chill bitch, it's awesome

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Kim-ly: This is my greatest invention.  I call it the Penny Venny.

Minji: So what does it do?

Kim-ly: It's just like a normal vending machine, except instead of snacks, when you put a dollar in it...

Kim-ly: It gives you a cool new shiny penny. 

Sabrina: ...Kim, please, for the love of god, tell me you spent less than 100 dollars on that.

Kim-ly: Hmm... well, I went around town to find and polish the pennies.  As for the vending machine, I got it on Craigslist for like... 999 bucks?  Maybe 998?


Sabrina: Minji, hold my arm, because I'm about to break every last FUCKING BONE IN THIS BITCH'S BODY-

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