
13 0 0

Name: Jason Zachary Barakeel

Reason or meaning: Independence and determination

Nickname(s): Zack, 013, Zachary

Reason for nickname(s): Friends and lab name

Race: White-british

Occupation: Student

Social Class: Working-class

Age: 12 (For now)


How does he appear: 14

Eye colour:Icy Blue

Hair colour: White fading into a soft light blue

Hairstyle /length: Shoulder length, straight

Weight: 99lbs

Height: 5"6'

Skin tone: Pale with cold undertone


Mother: Catherine Barakeel

Father: Daniel Deans

Siblings: None

Extended family: unknown

Close: none

Why or why not: never met any of them for that  much of a long time


Character's favourite colour: Green

Favourite music: Queen

Favourite food: strawberries, chocolate

Favourite literature: fantasy books, Macbeth

Expressions: smirking, biting lips when focused, hair shadowing eyes

Daredevil or cautious: Both

When alone: Daredevil

Habit: Peaking into people's thoughts

Drinks: a bit

What: whiskey, rum

When and how much: celebrations, sad- two/three

Hobbies: watching people's dreams, reading

Child Years

Hometown: Gosport, England (An actual place irl)

Type of childhood: unfair

Education: none (until season two then Hawkins middle school)

Religion: Atheist

Finances: just under average

Please Note: there is more but i've probably bored you to death with this much already. I also don't own any of the pictures unless i say so but it's really unlikely for you to see any in here. I've really thought about this character for a long time as well as their story. I have a pretty busy schedule as well as a home life so updates may vary.

Thanks. xx

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