|Chapter 1|

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•Ashlynn's POV•
I was packing my bags when I heard my mom knock on the door"honey you almost done?"yes mom I will be out in a minute"I replied opening the door.I went downstairs to the kitchen and hugged my dad"mornin daddy"good mornin pumpkin"where's Kelsey and Duke?"I think they are still sleepin"he replied.I ran upstairs to Kelsey's room and opened the door"Wake up Kelsey there's a cute boy downstairs asking for you!"I said joking around"Where?!?"she yelled jumping up.I fell to the floor laughing"You little ass!"whats goin on in here?I was tryin to sleep"Duke said leaning up against the door frame"Breakfast is ready"mama yelled.We all ran downstairs and sat at the table mama put our plates in front of us and we said the blessing and ate"man I'm gonna miss this cookin"I said eating my biscuit.We got done eating and I ran up to my room and took a quick shower and got dressed.Kelsey and Duke helped my put my stuff in the truck and we were all standing there when I noticed a tear in mama's eye"mama please don't cry"I said hugging her real tight"I just don't want my baby to go"I will be back soon I promise"i said kissing her cheek"I love you mama"I love you more baby girl".I gave daddy a hug"I love you pumpkin"I love you more daddy"I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and gave Kelsey a hug and Duke a hug.I got in my truck and pulled out of the driveway I waved goodbye and headed for Georgia.
•Luke's POV•
I was eating breakfast when I saw this random girl walk in our kitchen and open the fridge"oh hey!"um who are you?"I asked with a confused face"oh my names is Alli i came home with Carter last night!"oh I'm just gonna be in my room"I said walking upstairs to my room.I closed the door and sat on my bed and ate my cereal and watched some tv.I got done with my breakfast and went to take a quick shower and change into my mint green V-neck t-shirt and a pair of jeans and my boots I walked downstairs and sat on the couch and watched a huntin show.
•Ashlynn's POV•
I pulled into the campus and got everything out and went up to my dorm I opened the door and there was this long blonde head girl standing there"Hello my name is Alyssa it's nice to meet you"Hi I'm Ashlynn it's nice to meet you"I said shaking her hand.I put everything in my closet and decorated my side of the room and Alyssa decorated hers.I got done decorating and went downstairs and watched some tv"hey Ashlynn I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to a little bonfire with me and my friends?"sure what time?"around 8:30"okay I will drive my truck there"I said getting off the couch I looked at the clock and it was already 7:30 I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into a black V-neck t-shirt and some of my short shorts and my boots I put my hair in a pony tail and did my makeup and sprayed some perfume and went back downstairs and grabbed my phone,keys,and purse off the coffee table and headed down to my truck and followed Alyssa there.
•Luke's POV•
Tonight me and some of my buddies are going to a bonfire we have every month.I went upstairs and took a shower and changed into a camo t-shirt and a pair of jeans and my boots.I put my hat on and sprayed some of my cologne and headed down to my truck and headed to the field.I pulled into the field and saw Carter and his lady friend Alli on his tailgate making out I rolled my eyes and jumped outta truck and let the tailgate down I saw this beautiful brown headed girl walk by she smiled at me kept walking with her friends I ran over to her"h-h-hey I'm Luke"I said stuttering"Hi I'm Ashlynn"she said with this beautiful southern accent"it's nice to meet you"it's nice to meet you to"would you like to sit over here with me maybe have a beer?"sure"she replied.We went over to my tailgate and I helped her up I went to the side of the truck and reached into the cooler"would you like a beer?"oh I can't drink I'm only 19"oh I have a Pepsi in here would you like it?"sure!"she replied.I handed her a Pepsi and I got up on the tailgate"so do you got to collage here?"Yep do you?"I asked"Yep".We talked for awhile until she jumped up cause one of her favorite songs came on she started swinging her hips and let's just say I couldn't look away!
•Ashlynn's POV•
I was talking with Luke until on of my favorite songs came on I jumped up and started swinging my hips and Luke just starred and laughed I could tell he was starring at my ass so I shook my hips a little more the song finally went off and I sat back down we talked some more until it was just me and Luke there.I walked back over to my truck and I was going to open the door until Luke did"thank you"no problem"he said helping me in the truck"so um I was wondering can I get your number?"Sure"I replied.He gave me his phone and I gave him mine and we wrote our numbers down I gave him his phone and he gave me mine"thanks I will call you soon"great well I have to get home so I will talk to you soon bye"bye"he said shutting my door.I started up the truck and headed back to my dorm.I got home and went in Alyssa must still be out with her friends.I went upstairs and took a shower and changed into my camo shorts and a black t-shirt and went to bed.

A Collage Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن