Yellow Roses

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I examine my finger, watching the dot of blood slowly collect on my finger tip and wipe it on the stone wall before bending back over and cutting the last rose.

"Who is that for?" I jump, shoving the roses behind my back. The girl behind me stands on the sidewalk, her arms crossed over a forest green t-shirt. She looks to be in her early teens, maybe only twelve with fiery red hair in a puffy ponytail behind her head. "I mean is she at least cute?" I open my mouth, then close it again, looking down at my feet. "You've been stealing roses for like, three weeks. This girl has to be beautiful."

"Look, I'm sorry I've been stealing your roses, I'll pay you with what I have right now," I say, digging into my back pocket. I hold out a pile of crumpled ones, "And I can come back later with the rest."

"Oh no no no," she says, pushing my hand back, "You are going to introduce me to this gal of yours and I'll decide if I'm going to tell my grandma about all this."

"I don't think that's necessary"

"I do, especially considering you are commiting a felony and I can walk right down to the station," She points past my shoulder at the small police station across the road, "And report you. Wouldn't that be nice?"

I sigh, looking back between the station and the girl. She watches me tapping her pink mud boot on the cracked sidewalk.

"Do you have a degree?"

"Biology and Chemistry yeah."

"Okay, Mr.Science Guy, you have a job?"


"Then you could probably afford a few yellow roses at like, Kroger or something, so I want to know, why are stealing my grandma's roses?"

"Well, she actually planted, these roses with-"

"Ah ah ah! I want it to be a surprise." She marches past me, swinging her arms. I look down at the flowers in my hands, and shove the money back into my pocket.

"How am I going to tell her." I mutter before walking after her.

I have to jog to catch up with her, she hums as she walks her mud boots clunking on the cement. "This is the way, right?"

"Um... yeah."

"Good, I was just guessing." She laughs. "I'm Lib by the way." She says, turning her head to smile at me.

"Nice to meet you." I nod.

"You're supposed to say your name now. I mean that's usually how it goes." she says, peering at me from the corner of her eye, "Or do you want to keep your identity a mystery for legal reasons."

"No no," I say, laughing a bit, "I'm Joel."

"Joel." She repeats, peering off into the distance. "I like it! It fits you. Your mom is good at naming people."

"Thank you?"

"No problem!" We continue to walk down the street, and Lib stops in front of the coffee shop, closing her eyes and tapping her toe to the beat of the music played by the small band on the veranda

"Mind if I dance to a few songs?"

I open my mouth to respond but she smiles before I can say a word, "Thanks! You're the best!" I lean back on the building a ways off as she skips around the tables set out on the side walk, clapping her hands and stomping her boots. "Oh wee! This is good music if I ever heard it." The performer lets out a laugh, quickening the pace to the music. Lib has pulled Ms.Crock, the owner of the local speakeasy from the crowd and is swinging her around. "Come on Joel! Come dance!"

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