Part One

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==>Be the cool kid

Your name is Dave Strider, and you are in love.

At least, you think you are, you don't really know what love feels like.

But is has to be something like this: You miss him when he's not at school, every time he pesters you your heart skips a goddamn beat, he has this way of making you melt inside, and when he smiles its like you're looking at heaven itself. His laugh sounds like a chourus of nasaly angels.

And his eyes, like, Jesus have mercy on you, the way they lit up with childish excitement over the smallest things.

You wanted to tell him so fucking badly, but there was that sliver of doubt, the possibility he'd say "No homo, Dave!" And laugh it off.

That would kill you inside, but at least you'd tried, right? He knew, wasn't that good enough? No, it wasn't, you wanted him to feel the same way with every ounce of your cold, dork-loving heart, but you couldn't force him.

And what if he did feel the same way? What then? You knew it didn't just end right there like a shitty cliché movie, how would an intimate relationship between the two of you work?

*insert pesterchum notification sound here*

EB: hey Dave!

EB: I kinda need to talk to you

EB: Dave?

TG: I'm here

TG: I'm here, what's on your mind dude?

EB: I actually need advice

TG: on?

EB: ........... Dating

Oh shit

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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