Tagger disclaimer/glossary of terms

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Tagger is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The information in this book is meant to supplement one's understanding of graffiti writers. Like any activity involving speed, equipment, balance or environmental factors, graffiti poses some inherent risks. The author and publisher assume no liability nor do they encourage readers to do, see, visit, or try any of the activities or actions discussed in this book. The book is intended for background information only and may not be reliable after press time. There are dangerous moments in this fictitious story, ones not to be emulated or encouraged in real life. 

Tagger Glossary


bamba: a foot-tapping song by Richie Valens

barrio : neighborhood

basura: trash

buffers: people who remove graffiti


cabrón: bastard; son of a bitch

cajónes: balls; no fear

cara mia: my beloved" (Ital.)

carnal : close friend; brother

catch slippin': caught off guard

chale: no way

chavalito: young boy

chica: young woman; girl

cholo: gang member; mestizo

claro: of course

con papas: with potatoes

cuete: gun


dinero: money

diss: to put someone down; disrespect


entendistes?: do you understand?

escuchame: listen to me

ése: dude; guy; man


fat caps: fat spray paint caps for graffiti writers

firme: cool (as in "hip"); good

flaco: skinny


gabacho: very insulting term for a white person

giraffiti: graffiti painted in a very high spot


hasta luego: see you later

hermano, hermanito: brother, little brother

H (continued)

hijo: son

homes, homie, homeboy: a friend from one's barrio with a strong loyalty toward

hyna: a girl, a girlfriend, a honey

jefe: boss


klika: gang or social set


la vida loca: gang life; the crazy life

listo: ready

loco, loca: crazy

lo maximo: the maximum


'mano: brother, abbreviated version

me llamo: my name is

miedo: fear

mierda: shit

mi'jo, mi'ja: my son, my daughter. It's also a term of endearment for a younger

person by an elder

muevese: move it!


novia: girlfriend


pachuco: Mexican-Americans who are "old school" – speak Calo, lowrider culture

packin': carrying a gun

payaso: clown

pendejo: stupid; dumbass

pinche: damned or goddamned

pinta: jail

placaso: a person's or a gang's graffiti tag (signature)

primo: best friend; first-rate (adj)

pulga: flea

puta: whore


que tal? How's it going? What's up?


ranchera: Mexican country music, lots of horns and guitars

ranfla: lowrider car

ranker: one who looks, acts, hangs with gang members, but won't do tough stuff

rata: snitch; rat

ruco: my "old man"


scratchitti: graffiti where a tagger uses a sharp object to scratch message into the


simón: yeah

soldado: soldier


throwies, throw-ups: a type of graffiti usually with a one-color outline and one layer of fill-color. It's designed for quick execution to avoid drawing attention to the tagger.

tío, tía: uncle, aunt

tips: graffiti can nozzles

toy: a person who doesn't have spray can control, no style, is not up anywhere, and

generally does crappy work


vato: dude, guy, man

verdad: true

veterano: Old School gang member

viejo: old


wack: lame, sorry ass, a worthless idea

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