Chapter 4: The Locket

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It has nearly been a month (hasn't it?) since the death of your brother and your family hasn't been taking it well, well what little family there is left. You all agree that you all should see a therapist to hopefully move on with the situation at hand. Even if you didn't want to see a therapist, you knew that this might be the only way that you might move on in life without him. You greet your therapist, both of you getting acquainted with each other. You find out that his name is Dave and he has been doing his job for a considerable long time. He tells you he will do whatever it takes to keep your mind from falling apart.


"Now sir, I want you to remember that fateful day that happened so long ago, even if it is hard to think about, we have to find the root of the problem", Dave said. What was he talking about so long ago, it's only been a month since what happened, unless he ment why I started acting all mopey? Even then, why is he phrasing it like that. "Sure...before we start may I take out a locket I helps when I hold onto it.", I replied. "Sure kiddo, whatever helps you not stress out at any moment." I reached into my pocket trying to get it out, I then held it in my hand before closing it.

I look up to see the elevator doors closing and Vaggie pressing the button to reach the floor where my room is located. As I was about to put the locket back in my pocket, she turned around and saw that I had something in my hand. This freaked me out as I wasn't expecting it, causing me to jumble the locket back into my pocket. "Don't tell me you're trying to hide drugs, I already have this problem with Angel", she said while facepalming and frowning. "Just give me your stupid, powder..smoke inhaling...injecting substances, I really don't have time for this",

She outstretched her hand while saying this, guestering me to hand over whatever I had. "It's not drugs I swe-" she caught me off guard by trying to snatch whatever was in my hand. "Woah woah woah!", I said moving around the elevator before being forced in a corner. "It's just a locket", I said cowering in fear. "What's in the locket", she replied in a furious yet questioning tone. "It's just a picture I swear", I replied, opening the locket towards her. She went to a neutral, puzzled expression while also helping me up."That better be all that's in there, also if you are going to carry a locket, it's better to have it around your neck, especially if it means that much to you."

I looked up at her with a frown and then back at the locket, "might as well", I said under my breath before putting it on. As the elevator stopped she guided me to my room. "Here's your room, if you have any questions just call the front desk or room service if you made a mess", Vaggie replied. "Yeah... thank '', she closed the door. "You..." As I looked around towards my bed, I started seeing symbols again. "Oh...not again". 

Only this time I started hearing radio static getting louder and louder, hearing broadcasts from old timey radio stations to distorted police radio signals. As the noise got louder I walked slowly towards my bed slowly passing out on top of it.

As I awoke I was back in my old bed in my house, I looked around noticing it was night time. "Why am I back in this nightmare, has anything changed?" I got up from my bed and tip toed near my door, opening it slowly scouting the area. "If I know how this is going to end, I might as well stay clear from the kitchen for now." I noticed that my brother's door was slightly opened, "If any place that I should check it should be this place".

I walked slowly over to his door l, slowly opening it in fear that the robber would hear me. As I got the door to open, there was nothing in it, no bed, no drawers, all empty. Only one thing remained in this empty room, it looked like a locket. "Isn't that mine", I touch my neck and then my pockets. "Wait where's my lock-", I look over, -et". I grabbed the locket and was beginning to open it until everything froze over like before.

"Don't drop me in the void, don't drop me in the-, everything shattered, -VOID!". I started to fall fast down the endless void, except I heard someone laughing in the background, it sounded like a fairgrounds announcer, or at least a person trying to sell me something during the 1920's. The laughing was getting louder until, "AAACH", I awoke from that terrible nightmare. "How long is this going to...happen". I stopped before noticing that my room changed.

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