Im sorry i tookie

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"I feel bad about it. I'm a bad person" I tell Liam as we walk to class. "Don't be, it was just a cookie, plus it's Stiles" Liam says as he stops in front of me. "It's not just that, I ate Stiles cookie, I pushed Mason and Ken away" "Look all I know is that you are not a bad person. When we go in there you are gonna nail this debate, just apologize to them" Liam says while grabbing my face. Stiles won't  talk to me or even look at me. I sighed then nodded. "I'll see you in class I have to grab my book" Liam says then kisses me on my lips then runs off. I stay frozen. "What just happened" I asked myself ,I shake my head. When I entered Stiles sees me then looks away. Everyone enters including Liam they all go to the "good" side. "So what did you find out" mom ask. "Are people good or evil, or what?" She continues. "We miss Stella" Scott says. I look at them. "That's your opening statement" mom asks. "Yes, and it's genius" Ken says. "Why is that" mom ask. "Because the change in Stella's behavior has changed the world we live in" Liam says. "And if we didn't notice the change, it would mean we are not possessed of a natural goodness that helps us recognize it in others"  Ken says. Mason scoffs "I was gonna say that" he says. "Stiles, what have you found out" mom question him. " I notice she at my cookie" he says while stepping up. "Do you forgive her for that" mom ask him. "No" Stiles says. "And do you not forgive her because you're a bad person" mom ask him. Stiles shakes his head. "No I do not forgive her because I'm a good person who lost a good cookie" he says. "Do you think you'll ever forgive her" mom question him. He shrugs his shoulders "It's possible I might forgive her in time" he says. "Why do you think you might forgive her" mom ask. "Because I know what she did isn't who she is" Stiles says and sighs. "Sometimes good people do bad things" he finishes. "Thank you" mom says then turns to me. "So, Can I hear from the other side" she asks me. I stand up straight. "This is a world full of poverty, hunger, and climate change, and we know it and we tolerate it and we have not changed it" I state then pause for a second. "So if the world creates opportunities for us to do something good or something evil every day and that world is full of poverty, hunger, and war" I pause then look at my mom, tears welling up in my eyes. "Then doesn't the state of the world answer the question?" I ask then look at my classmates. "Doesn't it prove that the world is evil?" I ask. "That we are evil" I ask this time my voice growing soft tears threatening to fall. It's silent for a second until my mom breaks the silent. "You win, Stella" "oh" I say quietly, then turn to my classmates a tear falling. "I didn't want to" I say. My mom shakes her head and looks at me "Excellent debate Ms.Diaz" she says to me. "It was Stella" Ken says. "You beat us" Scott tells me smiling softly at me. I look at them then at my mom. "So that's it? People are evil?" I ask her. "Well, let's find out" mom says smiling. "Switch sides" she says. I smile and stand up tall, tears still falling on my face. "This is a world where people if it's the right kind of people will drop everything they are doing to help out their friends, where you may have just met and they take you under their wings" I start off looking at Scott and Stiles at the last part. "This is a world where children wake up at 4 in the morning to save star fish because something in them tells them it's the right thing to do." I say  thinking of the time when me and Seb would wake up mom to go help clean the beach and help save the turtles and star fish, then pause and look at mom. "Why do we lose that? Where does that go" I ask. "We are born with the choice of good or evil inside of us and as much fun it was yesterday to do something bad, now it's today and I know that doing a bad thing isn't fun at all" I say while I looked at Stiles then play with my fingers. "She feels bad, man" Scott tells Stiles. He shrugs "I don't care, I want my cookie back". "Stiles I feel terrible, I'm Sorry. This is the fault of Rebecca Gonzales De Marie santos de la Cruz, she sits on my shoulder and told me to do something bad" I explain to him. "Why did you listen" he asks me while getting closer to me. "Because I never did before, and I wrote you a song" I admit. "Look Stella, I know who sits on your other shoulder, and Rebecca Gonzales De Marie Santos de la Cruz—- wow you couldn't pick a shorter name?" He ask after taking a breath. "Anyways, she doesn't stand a chance against you" he finishes. "So, Do you forgive me?" I asked him with hopeful eyes. "Yes I do, because I know who you really are" he says. "Thank you" I tell him. We hug. While we are hugging I took it as the chance to sing to him the song I wrote. "Flour and sugar and butter and Love, that makes a cookie, I'm sorry I tookie. FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEE" I sang while holding on to Stiles. "Let go, you little Chihuahua" he says trying to get out of my gripe. "Nooo, you need to sing back" I sang to him while I push us out the door. "SCOTT" Stiles yell for his help. "You have to sing man" Scott tells him while they all laugh.
I walk up to Liam who's with Mason. "You think he's hot don't you" Liam ask Mason who's looking at Brett. "Nah" Mason says while still looking at Brett. "Hey" I say as I walk up to them. Mason looks at us. "Um I think I hear Ken call my name" he says then whispers to Liam. "Good luck. You can do it" he whispers then gives me a smile. "Look about earlier" we both start. We laugh and I tell him to go. "I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to do that" he says then looks at the ground. There goes my heart, but I gotta keep smiling. I smile. "It's okay" I say even tho it's actually not okay. "Hey Um I'll catch you later, I have to give this to Stiles" I tell him then turn around. I hear Mason smack his head and whispers something to him. Liam sighs then grabs my hand stoping me from walking away. "You know what. I'm not sorry" he says then grabs my face and kisses me, but for real this time. "Yes" "finally" we hear from behind us. We pull away to see Ken and Mason act as if they weren't spying. We smile at each other. Then Ken pulls me away. The smile not leaving my face. I run towards Stiles and the pack. "Hey Stiles can I talk to you" I ask him. Scott pushes him away so he could talk to Kira. "What's up" he says taking off his helmet. "Okay look I'm really sorry, I feel really bad and I know they aren't as good as the one the other day but I made them with love and hopefully you forgive me, because I feel really bad and I'm sorry please forgive me" I say really fast. "Woah calm down Stells, I already forgave you" Stiles tells me. "I know and I felt really bad so I force my mom to help me make you Sorry cookies" I say and pass him the cookies. He looks at me then hugs me. "Thank you" he says. "Good luck" I say as I begin to walk away. "FLOUR AND SUGAR AND BUTTER" he sings off key I turn towards him smiling, people start looking at us. "AND LOVE THATS MAKES A COOKIE" he continues then points at me to finish. "IM SORRY I TOOKIE.... forgive me" I say the last part. We smile at each other. "Wow that was something"  I look to my left and see Seb. He smiles at me. "I'm proud of you sis" he says then disappears. I smile at myself. Maybe change is a good thing. The game started and now I'm sitting on the bench with the coach. During the game I keep seeing Garrett smiling at Brett but with an evil smile. He's up to something. I get up and go inside to use the bathroom.
Third POV
"Guys Lydia sent me the other list" Stiles says as he goes to the group, while half of the group. Kira, Liam, and Scott. "Am I on it" Liam ask. Stiles shakes his head. "No but someone else is" he says. He shows his phone to the alpha. "Um guys where is Stella" the alpha asked growing worried seeing as her name is on the list and nowhere to be found. "She's on it?" The young beta asked. "Woah" Stiles says as he sees how much she's worth. Scott gives him the phone then rooms to the school. He walks in to see a dying Brett and almost passing out girl. "Scott" the young girl tries to warn him. Before he goes to the girl, a wire is wrapped around his neck. "He said I shouldn't go for the alpha" Violet says as she's struggling. Scott grabs the wire, eyes turning red, and turns to face the girl. Not even in a minute she's knock out against the lockers in the boys locker room. Scott rushes to the younger girl who became like a little sister to him. "Hey Stells you okay" he tells more like asks her. Stiles rushes into the room to see the alpha and his soon to be sister on the floor. "I think you should call your dad" Scott tells his bestfriend.
That night young Stella couldn't sleep. She gets up and goes out her window. She somehow ended up at liams house. Outside his bedroom window. She knocks on it. Liam opens it and sleepy smiles at her, telling her to come in. They ended up falling alseep spooning.

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