Note Before Reading

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(I was listening to Arctic Monkeys while writing this)^^^

Alright before you continue reading I just wanted to say that this is my first time writing a book  so it's not going to be the best but over time I should get better. Just stay with me I'll do my best to update the story at least once a week or twice a week (if I have that much time to do it twice). As I'm writing the story some chapters might and most likely are going to be short because I'm still getting used to writing but I'll make each chapter longer then the one before if it was short. Once I finish the story I'm going to go and edit it and put more detail and make it more entertaining. 

I made this story late at night(like 3 in the morning kind of late) because I just got a random idea for a book and couldn't go to sleep until I wrote down the idea and then what I should call it. So I'm sorry if it's not the best story you've read but hey I'll try to entertain you the most I can.

I might be late on when I update the story because I'll get stuck on something and then not know what to do. So I might be a day or two behind my updating time. And I'm still figuring out which day to update on.

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