He's Back?!

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Kloe POV

After we started toward the car I heard people surrounding us.
"Kloe it's okay stay calm." he said putting his hand over my head. We got to the car, finally. Felix put me in the car buckled me up and started to drive. I'm guessing that was the bros. When we got to the house Felix swooped me up and put me on his hip. He grabbed his key and looked up to find the door already open. I don't know why but he walked in anyway. Someone had been there and I had a good suspicion who done it and they were still there. Maya and Edgar both had a tranquilizing dart in their thigh daddy put me down and whispered "Kloe you grab Maya and I'll grab Edgar." I did as told and grabbed her. Chairs were knocked everywhere the pictures on the shelves were knocked down. I tapped on daddy's shoulder.
He looked at me.
I stuttered " He's back." Tears began to stream down my checks. We heard footsteps upstairs daddy swooped me up and began to turn around, I stopped him and said " Enemies get you when your caught off guard." He turned around and back around and backed out slowly. He put me in the back an told me to stay down. He took his phone out and began talking to the police. My heart pace started to go up again and daddy noticed so he gave me a pill to knock me out.
" I don't want to. " I whispered
" Kloe take it for me please." he begged.
I shook my head and threw it out the window.
" Fine , stay there and don't move unless I say and put that jacket over you and lay down." he grunted.
I nodded.

Felix's POV

Shit,shit, oh shit someone broke into the house. I walked in anyway to check it out. When we walked in I saw Maya and Edgar on the floor. I whispered to Kloe to get Maya while I get Edgar. She did as told and grabbed her. I looked around more and seen every picture and chair knocked down. Kloe tapped on me, I looked at her.
"He's back." she stuttered. As tears began steaming down her face there was movement up stairs. I grabbed Kloe and turned around, but Kloe stopped me and said "Enemies get you when your caught off guard." I turned around and backed up slowly. Once we were out I ran to the car put her in the back,gave her my coat, an told her to stay down. Since she wouldn't take the sleeping pill I offered. I hopped in front and called 911 gave them my address they showed up about three minutes later and got in the house. We heard gunshots then a bullet when flying through the door window. We screamed in terror.
"Kloe stay calm baby it's okay." I said. After about five minutes later Officer Sammy gave us the all clear. we walked inside. I told Kloe to follow me we went to my room first everything was there. We checked the whole house everything was there nothing stolen. Mmmmm if he didn't steal anything he must have been looking for me and Kloe. Shit. What am I gonna do now. When we got to Kloe's room there was a note on the bed Kloe quickly swiped it and wouldn't let me see. Whatever is on it must be something really important.

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