Trapped - Traitor!Sero

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Ship: None :p


Basically this is if Sero was teh traitor.


"Ok, does everyone understand the plan?" Aizawa asked his class. Right now they were hiding, a traitor had been sneaking into the school at night hours and taking documents from the office, so they set a trap to catch them. Only a select few knew the plan though.

"Is everyone here? The traitor should show up soon." Aizawa asked, "Hanta went to the bathroom, so did Uraraka." Kaminari said. "We can't wait on them. Let's just wait."

A few minutes passed and they heard footsteps, everyone got in position and prepared to capture the villain. Soon the trap went off and the lights flickered on. To reveal a shocked

"Tape fuck?!" Bakugou yelled. Sero looked shocked then muttered under his breath. "Look. Let me explain." Sero huffed.

"Look I-" He was quickly cut off by his classes yells of anger. Their friend had been working with the League?

Kaminari silently walked up to Sero and punched him in the nose before running away.

-Time Skip-

"So. Explain Sero. Why are you working with the League of Villain..?" Aizawa said as he sat in the interrogation room with Sero on the other side. Sero stayed silent.

Aizawa asked again. Sero pointed around his arm. Now Aizawa was confused.

He grabbed a piece of paper and gave it to Sero. He quickly wrote down a note before passing it back.

"They are listening

I never wanted this."

Suddenly he pulls a gun out of his pocket. And presses it against his head.

??? POV

"Shit, we lost connection. What now sir?"

"Leave him. He was nothing but useless"

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