Befriending the Lions

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Last part! I hope you liked this story! Please tell me what you think... comment and message:) And be honest. If you think I should change or add something I will be happy to hear your suggestions. :) :)


By the grace of God I had safely made friends with the lions. So much so, that they let me ride them! Over the course of two days I had befriended 2 lions, moved all the bones in one corner, and kept from going insane. Isnt that a shocker! As I sat there I started talking to the lions. Amuseingly, the lions bellowed back,


After sitting for what felt like year darkness came. As I laid my head on one of the lazy lions I fell into a restless sleep. When I awoke the next morning it hit me. I wasnt going to get out of here! In a fit of despair I flung myself into the stone wall and slid to the floor, wailing. The lions, who had awoke, came over and licked away my tears. When I finally exhasted myself, I drifted off into a deep, replishing sleep. To my surprise when I woke up it was the next morning. Thinking back to how badly I had lost it the other day, I looked at where I had hit the wall. As I looked a little closer I noticed one of the blocks had gotton pushed back slightly. I went over to investigate and with a little elbow greace, pushed the block as far back as it would go. Instantly, blocks started popping out of the walls to make stairs! I fell to my knees and started praiseing the Lord.

"Hallelujah!" I sang.

I hopped on the back of the lions and we went loping up the stairs. When I slid open the trap door we emerged out onto a road. The Lord had saved me, by letting me befriend the lions.

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