ch 2

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I woke up in another room of pure metal. Tubes were aligned along the wall arching downwards. I sat there for a moment closing my eyes when suddenly I could hear the sound of water rushing from the tubes.

I stood up frantically looking for a way to escape, that's when and I saw it. The vent. I quickly splashed threw the water to the vent before ripping the cover off and climbing through.

I exited out into a large white hallway with crimson stains splashed everywhere. I looked to the end of the hallway. There stood a young boy a bit younger than me. He was crying, his sobs echoing through the hallway as I slowly made my way over to him. I shakily tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jump. He turned around and looked at me with tears flooding down his cheeks. I forced a small smile and waved " you know where we are?" he shook his head and started crying harder. "I'm sorry! I just want to get out.." he stood up and turned around his bright blue eyes meeting mine. He had messy blonde hair and wore a white sweater and shorts. I suddenly heard faint footsteps and grabbed his hand leading him to the vent. We hid there and held our breaths out of fear of it being another doctor.the footsteps walked slowly past us...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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