Unhealthy Coping

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The next morning Gyro woke up with his alarm clock blaring and Figaro scratching at the door. He let out a sigh, noticing how messy his hair was as soon as he opened his eyes. He barely slept and it sure felt like he hadn't.

With a long groan, he sat up and stretched, turning his alarm clock off. He almost felt glad that Fenton wasn't going to show up for work that day. Especially since Gyro knew he had to look awful, he sure felt it.

A loud meow got Gyro to step out of bed, him looking down at his sweet cat. He gave a small, sweet smile. He was lucky to have Figaro in his life. He crouched down, petting the kitten's soft fur, her purring and leaning into the pets.

After a minute or so of petting his cat, he hummed to himself, standing up and opening the door to let Figaro roam the apartment. As his cat left, he went to his closest, grabbing his usual outfit and went to the bathroom. He was able to catch a glance of himself in the mirror and cringed. He looked absolutely terrible.

Gyro sighed and set his outfit on the bar that held his towel and started to take his clothes off after turning on the shower of course. He needed to relax and loosen up before a long day of work, especially because of his little outburst the other day. The embarrassment of it made him almost feel ashamed.

He reached past the curtain to feel the water and stepped into the tub. He let out a small moan, the hot water soothing him and helping to relax his aching joints. This was just what he needed. He leaned against the wall as the water hit him, his eyes shut as he let himself get lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, his thoughts of just random things he found comforting, turned into thoughts of Fenton. He let this happen since he was in the safely of his apartment.

He imagined Fenton massaging his back, praising him on how amazing and smart he was, telling him to relax more and get some rest. As he thought of this pleasant scenario, they drifted off into a mindset that Gyro had hidden even deeper than his simple attraction towards Fenton. A more.. Dark of animalistic side.

Now, Gyro was not the biggest fan of sex, he never was. He rarely masturbated ever and he never even had sex once, him not liking other people to touch him, the men in Duckburg not being appealing to him, and the fact he wanted an emotional connection if he were to ever do the deed. However, he had only touched himself once which was months ago. It was all because of that god forsaken Fenton.

When it happened, it was after Gyro realized his feelings for the other man, more specifically when Fenton became Gizmoduck. That night, when he rushed into his apartment, he locked himself in his room and pleasured himself to the thoughts of Fenton being a hero, so many thoughts and lustful wants going through his head. He hated himself that night, having a hard time to even look or speak to Fenton the next day,

Those specific thoughts were pushed deep down into the back of his mind, him never wanting them to come back out to possibly make this whole infatuation thing worse.

Unfortunately for Gyro, today was going to be a long day for him. His lustful thoughts of Fenton came back, and for once, he let them happen.

He threw his head back, letting himself be pleasured at the thoughts of his partner. He kept his eyes shut tightly as he tried to quickly finish the job. It's as if he knew he'd later regret this, but he continued anyway.

As he finally climaxed all over his hand, he painted heavily, eyes barely open.

"F-Fenton..." he breathed heavily, his face red with embarrassment and shame. "I love you..."


Gyro sat in his lab, working on a new invention. He was trying to create a shock bracelet for himself. His boss, Scrooge, had not given him any important assignments that day and Gyro knew that what he was working on then was way more important than anything else.

The shock bracelet would be for him. The reason for creating it was so whenever he'd have any thoughts dealing with Fenton in a more than just friendly ways, he'd shock himself. He knew this was crazy, but he was desperate for these feelings to just go away and for him to never have to deal with loving someone, specifically Fenton, ever again.

Hours upon hours went buy. He would shrug off Lil' Bulb and Manny, telling them to leave him be and that he was working on something secretive. It worked and he was left to his new invention all by himself. He made sure that the bracelet would have settings for different levels of emotion and feelings. The lower the setting, the lower the voltage which meant when he was maybe looking over at Fenton longer than he should he'd get a shock or maybe he'd allow himself to smile longer than he should allow himself to, another shock. Then there was the higher settings. Those were for when he was absolutely gawking and fawning over the other, but then there was the highest setting. Something that would have come in handy that morning. If he were to have any sexual feelings or urges for Fenton, he'd be shocked horribly to the point he knew it'd hurt worse than stubbing a toe or breaking a finger.

This was remotest a good idea, and deep down Gyro knew this, but he was just so desperate for those feelings for Fenton to go away that he was willing to go to these lengths, to this level of self harm.

Though, Gyro didn't see it like that. He saw this as the best and, surprisingly, healthiest way to deal with his emotions. He didn't see this as a way of self harm, he saw this as a way to.. fix himself.

He decided to test out his invention. He placed the bracelet onto his wrist, it being a perfect, tight, fit. He then closed his eyes, letting himself think of Fenton. He smiled to his meld and blushed, thinking about the man's adorable laugh and smile.


Gyro flinched with a small cringe, his body tensing from the shock. He immediately frowned, eyes opening to stare ahead. It hurt alright, but it discouraged him from thinking of Fenton in such a way. This would be a long day and possibly rest of his life, but he prayed that his feelings would soon go away with the help of his new invention.

His shock bracelet. His unhealthy coping mechanism.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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