Chapter 3: Something's up...

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Hey, it's me againnnn. I'm honestly shocked at how many people have read this! You have no idea how much this means to me. I started this story hoping for maybe 10 reads and already I'm on over 100 reads. Thank youuuu x


Monty's pov:

It was the first evening of our first day in the Bytehouse. Shauni, Jake, Em and Loz had gone to their rooms so it was just me, Sebb, Kt and Lily left. Sebb had been in a weird mood all day but I decided to wait until we were alone before finding out what was wrong.

 Kt came into the living room with two bowls of popcorn and a load of blankets hung over her arm. "MOVIE NIGHT!" Lily screamed with a huge grin on her face. Me and Kt started laughing and even Sebb let out a little giggle. We put on our go to movie and set up the blankets.

Not long into the movie I heard a snuffle coming from where Sebb was sat. The others didn't notice so I crawled behind them, who were both snuggled up together, and gave Sebb a hug. Unlike earlier, he didn't pull away and instead leant against my chest. We sat like that for a bit until I noticed my t-shirt getting wet. I looked down just as Sebb properly started sobbing. Kt and Lily looked up and I motioned to them to leave. Luckily they understood and they whispered goodnight and turned off the TV before leaving. "Sebby?" I whispered, stroking his back. He didn't reply and instead just started shaking. "Sebby look at me," I said. He slowly tilted his head up until we made eye contact. "I..." he murmured. "You what?" I said back calmly. "I... I can't tell you." This confused me slightly considering we'd always told each other everything up until now. "What about Lily? Can you tell her?" I asked, expecting him to say no so it shocked me when he murmured "I'll try" before beginning to cry again. I pulled him close, just taking in the amazing boy snuggled into my chest, really hoping he was going to be ok :/

Lily's pov:

I woke up this morning to a text from Monty. It said: 'sebb won't tell me what's wrong but he said he'll try and talk to you, please make sure he's ok :( x'. It scared me a bit considering Monty and sebb usually told each other everything so why Sebb couldn't tell him this was strange. However, he was my friend too and I needed to make sure he was okay. I got out my phone again and I clicked on my chats with Sebb. 'Hey Sebby, when you're up do you fancy coming for a walk with me? I heard that there's a nice café nearby so we could always stop there and check it out x'. I sent. My phone pinged with a message 'ok, I'll be ready in five' he'd said.

As we were about to leave I gave Monty a hug and whispered in his ear that I promised to sort it out. I then grabbed Sebb's hand and pulled him out the door before he could change his mind. We just chatted like usual on the way to the café which was great as I finally saw him crack a small smile. Once we'd ordered our drinks and sat down, I gave him a hug and told him to look at me. "Sebb we know something's up. You're literally never this quiet and you've barely smiled since we moved in. What's up? And why won't you tell Monty?" I said. He opened his mouth but just let out a small murmur before stopping and biting his lip, clearly holding back tears. "Seriously Sebby" I said, stroking his hair as that usually calmed him down. "It can't be that bad and you know you can trust me not to tell anyone." 

"It's M-Monty" he said

"What about him?" I asked, confused. 

"I- I think - I think I like him but I'm not out to anyone and I thought I was straight but maybe I'm not and whatever it is I can't tell my parents, you know how homophobic they are! They'll kill me! And..."

"Stop," I interrupted as he started rambling, something he only did when he was properly scared. "Sebb, breathe," I comforted him "it's gonna be okay". 

"NO!" he shouted, standing up and scaring me. "It's not going to be ok! I'm not allowed to have feelings like this!" He sat down again and burst into tears. Luckily no one else was in the café apart from the waitress. I gave Sebb a hug and made eye contact with the waitress as I put our money on the table. She gave me a sympathetic nod and gestured we could go. I mouthed a thank you and pulled Sebb with me out of the door. We found a bench and sat down. 

"I really like him Lils," he whispered, calming down a little.

"Then go for it" I said. "If you want to tell your parents, then that's your choice but you should know that whatever happens, we al love you and are here for you ok?"

"Ok, you're the best. " He said, giving me the slightest hint of a smile as we headed back towards the house.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading! As usual please comment with any requests or suggestions. Stay safe everyone, lots of love, mimi xx

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