Imma Paint My Guitarrrrr

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So... My brother gave me this guitar, its very old and after he tried to restring it for me he realised that if you restring it the bridge will fly off so I'm left with a not working guitar... So, I'm gonna paint it?

RN I just need to think of designs to put on it though, I need to cover the w h o l e thing-

RN I just need to think of designs to put on it though, I need to cover the w h o l e thing-

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I'm just painting the one in the middle but like, they all look cool okay don't judge me-

Oh yeah and since I'm so uncreative I'm open to ideas before I paint Double Dare again... It's not even my favourite album.. I mean, it's awesome but I've painted it about 4 times now s o...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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