The Only One : Chapter Three

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The Only One

Chapter 3


Today, Bex and TJ, our other best friend, are dragging me to Santa Monica. Oh Joy. It's not that I don't like company, and it's not like I don't like to go out, but I just need time still to process that I hugged Ryan.

"B, do I really need to go?" I ask when TJ and Bex arrive at my house.

"Yes. You're coming." Bex says, and I look to TJ for back up.

"Oh no, Han, you have to come." He says.

"But whyyyyyyy?" I complain.

"Because we all need a day out together. And today is the day."

"Alright, alright. Just let me get changed." I say, aggravated.

I quickly run up to my room and change into a pair of ripped jeans, just like Ryan's, and an American Flag tank top, just like Ryan's. Then I slip on a pair of flip flops, and brush my teeth, and I curl my hair just a bit.

Within 15 minutes, I'm back downstairs, saying, "I'm ready to go, guys."

"Thank god! It took long enough!" TJ says to me.

"Hey, I need to look good."

"Yeah, look good like Ryan, apparently..." He says, extremely sarcastically.

"Wow, I'm so proud that you knew that!!" I exclaim.


"Are we ready?!" Bex asks.

"Yes, let's go." We say at the same time, and head off to the beach with our bags in hand.


When we get to the beach, we jump out of the car, and I look toward the Ferris wheel. This is one of the times I sooo wish I had a boyfriend to go on it with me. (And not just because they scare me half to death.)

"Han, c'mon, we're going to get popcorn." Bex says. Not surprising really. We're only here 2 minutes and already they're getting food.

We get them their popcorn, and then walk down the beach. TJ threw a tennis ball at us and we both ran to get it, but knocked each other down in the process... Great, now I have sand all over my jeans! Ryan's jeans!

"Haha, thanks, Bex!" I say, half joking, yet half serious. I'm honestly pretty upset about my jeans.

"You're welcome!" She says all too seriously.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I say, and try to get the sand off of me. As I walk toward the bathrooms, I see and all too familiar American flag tank top. It's Ryan....





I look at him with a weak smile, and he gives me a scared smile in return.

"Um, hey, Ryan. What's up?" I ask nervously, looking down at my shirt.

He smiles at me and says, "Hey Hanna! Nice shirt!"

I look at my outfit again. "Aaah, thanks, you too..."

"You know, it's really great to see you again. What'd you think of the show?" He asks.

"It was great, Ryan! I had an amazing time! And getting to rap with you made it even better! I'm still in totally shock and I really can't believe I'm talking to you right now!" I laugh nervously.

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