Prologue: Welcome to The Ouran Mansion!

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The crate rattled and shook in the arms of the elderly woman. Despite her age she held the onto the kennel firmly and proudly. A light brown paw then shot out of the mesh and began to bat at the air wildly and she sighed, stroking the arm.

     "It's okay now, sweetie. Soon you'll be in a nice warm home full of other kitties like you. You're safe."

     The cat inside didn't understand the strange coos from the twoleg but recognized that she didn't mean any harm. Still, her heart hammered in fear. One moment, she fell asleep to strange twolegs in white furs watching to waking up in a moving crate in an unfamiliar setting. Needless to say, it was very alarming.

     The twoleg molly said something else before the cat felt her surroundings come to a stop. A new voice, one she recognized as male, called out something to the molly. She replied back and the cat felt her crate being lifted. Eyes wide, she gazed out of the small holes in the sides and saw the biggest twoleg den she had ever seen. That thing could fit a whole clan of them in there!, she thought to herself.

     The cage came to a stop and the mesh in front of her opened up. Two spindly paws held a strange item and began to advance on the cornered cat. She hissed and batted at the aggressors and they quickly withdrew when she  drew blood. The male twoleg yelped and growled something incoherent before slipping on some strange furs onto his paws and trying again. The cat clawed at the paws again, but this time, to no avail. She felt the paws press against her throat and she began to panic, biting and kicking at the enormous appendages. She heard a loud snap and then they quickly retracted again.

     The molly put a paw up to her neck and felt the rough item wrapped around her. She clawed and scratched at the thing but it barely budged. After a few more attempts, she gives up.

     The crate moves again and she's transported to a new room. The mesh opens and she darts out desperate for freedom. The cat slides underneath a strange smooth stump and watches as the twoleg leaves the area.

With a sigh of relief, she hunkers down, exhausted from all the strange stressful events that happened.

Starclan help me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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