14: The Invite

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Blair's pov
"James thank for making breakfast it was good." I said as I began to wash the dishes used this morning.

"Oh your welcome." He replied playing on his phone.
"So James what should we do today?" I asked him waiting for a response.

"I don't know. Maybe we could throw a small party or something." He suggested.
"Yeah that could be fun. We could play t or d again. But who would we invite?"

"Well I don't know who do you want to come?"
"Payton and Noah. They're pretty fun."
"Okay, how about Ava? And maybe Jack?"
"Sure. Ooh invite Leah and Oliver!"

"Okay. I'll call them. But you call Payton and Noah. I don't have their numbers."
"Okay I will." I said back as I finished rinsing the last dish.

I grabbed my phone off the counter while James did the same. I pulled up Payton's contact.
Text with Payton:

read) Hey Pay?

Yeah? (read

read) Can you and Noah come over to
my house for a party tonight?

I don't know Blair.. I don't do (read

read) It's just gunna be small. I promise.

Yeah I guess. I'll call Noah. (read

read) Thank Pay!

No problem. (read

"Pay and Noah can come!" I said happily.
"Cool, Oliver and Ava can come too. I'm still texting Jack and I haven't got to Leah yet." He responded.

"Okay I'll text Leah."
"Okay, thanks."
Text with Leah:

read) Hey Leah!

Hey Blair! (read

read) Party time?

Who's house what time? (read

read) Mine. I'll check what time.

"James what time should Leah come over?" I asked as he was still texting Jack.
"I told Oliver and Ava 5:30ish."
"Okay cool." I said smiling to him.

Text with Leah:

read) 5:30ish

Okay see ya then! (read

read) See ya!

"Leah's coming too. Is Jack?"
"Yeah he is." James said putting his phone down,
"You got alcohol?" James asked right after
"Yeah I think so."

I walked over to a cabinet and stepped into my tippy toes reaching for the handles.

"I've got three different kinds of whiskey four in total and two bottles of vodka. And I think I have beer in the garage."
"How the fuck do you always have that much?"

"Brent and my parents are bad at remembering the stuff I hide."
"So you steal it from your own family?" He laughed.

"What? Yeah. It's not like I can buy it myself!"
"True still it's funny."
"Really? How do you get your then? Your little bits of alcohol?"

He just looked at me as I laughed. He gets it from his Uncles house. James goes and sees his uncle every now and then. He always steals some when he can.

"My ways better just saying." I said after my laughing fit.
"I'm going to the store to buy cups." He said standing up and leaving.

"Okay see ya later bro!" I ran upstairs to my room and got my hair fixed up a bit. Then put on a simple makeup look. Grabbed some heals from my closet.

Then rummaged through my closet trying to find something to wear. I ended up putting the heals back and grabbing some black tall boots and some different light blue tight booty shorts. Along with a black tight crop top.

I threw it all on and waited for James to get back. While waiting I turned on my tv and watching the first thing to come up.

Payton's pov
I grabbed my phone and called Noah.
Call with Noah:

"Hey Noah."
"Hey Pay!"
"So Blair's having a party tonight and we're going so come over."
"Awesome! I'll be there in ten!"
"See ya then."

Right as I said that the phone hung up.  I left my room and went back down to the kitchen to clean the cup I had used for the shake I had earlier.

I ran back upstairs remembering I had to change for the party. I grabbed some black jeans with small rips and a black and red flannel. I kept the white t-shirt on from earlier.

I heard a knock on my front door I set down my comb after I finished styling it. I opened it up to see a package on my front step and a Noah standing there grinning.

"Was this here? And what's with the smile?" I asked as his smile dropped to speak.
"Yeah it was actually. And I can't believe you got us an invite! To. A. Party."

"Oh yeah. Well I mean Blair had to kinda convince me to go."
"Still." He said grabbing my package and running into my house.

He threw it on to the counter then began searching the kitchen cabinet for who knows what. I grabbed some scissors and opened the packaged while Noah continued his searching.

The package had the shirt and pants I had ordered. I can't remember why I bought them though.

"HA! I found them!" Noah yelled very loud.
"What did you find?" I asked laughing.
He turned around grinning. He had chocolate chip cookie package in his hands.

"These! Why'd you hide them!?"
"I didn't. I just found I new spot for them."
"Really?" Noah questioned sassily.
"Yes, I'm not lying." I answered laughing again.

He ripped open the cookies as I went to put the clothes away. I came back down to Noah having four cookies stacked in the counter and two in his mouth putting the package away.

Blair's pov
James barged into my house once again. Holding a bag of cups and a bag of food. He gave me a look saying 'come help me you idiot.'

I stood up off my couch and grabbed the food bag and began either setting it out or setting it in the fridge for later. James set the cups out all fancy and shit.

"Did you get the beer out?" James asked turning to face me.
"No, instead I laid my lazy ass on the couch." I replied smirking.

"Go get it please. We have to make sure it's cold. No one likes a warm beer." He said.
"But warm semen or pussy?" I asked staring him down waiting for him to fold.

"What!?" He yelled questioningly.
"Warm semen? It's nice. What about warm pussy? I wouldn't know." I said continuing to stare at him.

"What's wrong with you?" He said chuckling.
"A lot. You know this. Answer my question."
"It's good I guess..." he said turning red.
"Good to know." I said leaving to get the beer.

I came back to the kitchen seeing him make the cups look even fancier. I set the beer into my fridge and watched him work.

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