sweet dreams

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i was in fifth grade when i got a taste of the real world
i was only ten
i didn't know what it means to be different
and to be judged for not fitting in
was it so bad you needed to say something
it had nothing to do with you
my hair doesn't need to be straight
my skin doesn't have to be as light as yours
my religion doesn't need to be what you want it to be
my family doesn't need to look like yours
my mind doesn't need to be wired like yours
i'm not you
you're not me
let people live
are you scared to let me live
are you scared of what i might do if i thrive
are you scared my people won't like you
are you scared they might make you feel invalidated
that's what you did to me
that's what you're creating
not in me
but in you.

sweet dreams and chamomile tea Where stories live. Discover now