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"We've got a hit. '70s Charger," Fusco calls from his spot at his computer.

"Let's get a move on," Luke says as he tosses a vest to Hunt.

"Eastbound on Avenida Atlantica," Artemis informs them as they all grab their things. Luke and his team quickly race towards where the car is going.

"It stopped about a block ahead," Hunt tells Luke.

"Park it. We're going on foot," Luke orders over his walkie.

Dom is leaning against his car as he and the team enjoy the atmosphere around them.

"Hey, Toretto," Luke calls as he and his team walk towards them. "You're under arrest."

"Arrest?" Dom asks him as he turns towards them. "I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian?"

"No, not a bit," Brian answers him. "Not even a little bit."

"Just give it a minute. It'll sink in," Luke tells them before Artemis catches Dom staring at Elena, who has his necklace around her neck.

"We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes," Brian states and Artemis honestly believed him.

"I don't give a shit," Luke says with a glare. "I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk."

"Yeah, sounds like a real hero," Brian taunts him.

"That's funny," Luke says as he steps forward. "From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for. Or some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench." Artemis had to hold back a glare that she wanted to throw at Luke. She knew he needed to look past his job and actually see the people. "Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back."

"I don't think so," Dom says as he walks towards Luke, causing Artemis to take a step forward and place her hand on her gun. Just because she didn't agree with Luke, doesn't mean she wants to see him get hurt.

"Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, boy," Luke tells him as he takes a step closer before his team, along with Artemis and Elena, quickly raise their guns.

"And you're mistake?" Dom says with a smirk. "Thinking you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil." Dom raises his arms, causing all of the men around them to raise their guns at Luke's team.

"Come on, boss. Another day," Hunt tells Luke as he walks up to him.

"Come on, it's a lot of heat," Artemis says as she rests her hand on Luke's arm, causing him to glance at her.

"I'll see you soon, Toretto," Luke says to Dom as he fights back a shiver from Artemis' touch.

"I look forward to it, Cop," Dom responds with a smirk. Luke walks off before his team follows.

Artemis goes home to her apartment, to get some sleep. Artemis sets her gun on a dresser by the door before she takes off her vest, throwing it on the bed. Artemis is taking off her button up when she hears someone behind her. As she turns to grab her gun on the dresser, she finds it pointed at her face. She ducks before quickly disarming the gun then punches her intruder in the stomach. She then slides over to her table grabbing the gun underneath the table before pointing it at the intruder. At the other end of the gun, Artemis is shocked to find Luke.

"Luke?" Artemis says in shock.

"I'm impressed," Luke says as Artemis lowers her gun and he picks up the other gun putting it back together.

"I don't understand. Why come here?" Artemis questions him.

"Because we need to talk," Luke answers her as she puts her gun back underneath the table.

"About what?" Artemis asks him as she sits at the table.

"You're good at your job," Luke states as he looks around the apartment before he notices a picture of a young Artemis and her father.

"But?" Artemis asks with an eye roll.

"You need to stay in your lane," Luke tells her with a slight glare. "Things like how you acted tonight can not keep happening."

"Like how I thought of the safety of your team, of Elena, and of you?" Artemis asks as she crosses her arms across her chest. Luke lets out a sigh as he keeps from rolling his eyes. Of course she had to make this difficult. "You need to learn to look past your job and see people for who they truly are. My father was just like you and it's what got him killed." Luke looks down as he realizes why she acts the way she does.

"You don't think they killed those men in the train, do you?" Luke asks her as he looks up at her. Out of all the faces he had seen on her, his least favorite was the upset look she is currently wearing.

"Now, why would you believe anything I tell you?" Artemis asks him back before walking over to one of her windows and looking out.

"Because I know what it's like not wanting to be like your father," Luke says her causing her to freeze.

"I never thought anyone could understand how much," Artemis says with a small smile. "But you do." Luke nods before he leaves, glad that at least a small smile is back on her face.

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