Chapter 1. Its a new day

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"pst Hailey",I look over to find the voice whispering to me and turn to see my friend Alex calling me, from 2 seats back to the right of me.

"what?" I whispered back.

"Did your parents say yes to going to camp?"

"yeah, yours?" There's this camp I've wanted to go to since middle school, but you can't go unless you're 16. Lucky for me I had turned 16 just over a month ago. Just in time to get my slip turned in while spots were available.

"yeah. it took so long for them to agree, especially since I had already turned in the form and faked both their signatures. Imagine how bad it would have been if they said no." She starts snickering.

"wait but how'd you handle the permission slip thing? didn't they ask for one?"

"Don't worry, I made a copy of the original slip I had, before I filled it out just in case."

"That's smart, I'll remember that."

I look up at the clock to see that there were only 5 minutes left until summer. As soon as I get home, I have to finish packing because camp starts at noon tomorrow. This camp only has 200 spots, that can be filled by anyone all over the state and so it's usually pretty hard to get in.

what I've always wanted to do was music and after months of begging my parents had finally gotten me an electric guitar for my 15th birthday. I dream of being on stage at sold out shows playing and singing my heart out.

I wake from my day dream to the sound of the class chanting down the seconds.











Suddenly everyone throws all their papers into the air and leave class as fast as possible. Me and Alex our bags and walk out arms linked.

Little did we know this would be the most eventful summer of our lives.

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