Chapter 1

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Mani POV

Beep Beep.

I blindly slapped the off button on my alarm. Looking over at the clock, I saw the bright red colors that blinked back at me.

7:00 A.M.

I unwillingly threw the sheet off of me and started getting ready for school, even though I didn't really want to go. There wasn't anything I was missing out on anyways.

All there is in school are guys that are jerks with way too much self esteem than they could afford to have and girls who think they're better than every body just because they have a few things other's don't. I'd rather be home schooled than go to that zoo known as a school.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I was ready, I grabbed my things and trudged downstairs. When I got there, breakfast was already placed at my seat on the table and both of my parents were sitting there with my little sister.

"Good morning?" I said more as a question than a statement as I sat down in confusion.

"Good morning honey." My mom said as she kissed me.

"What is all of this?" I asked, still lost with the current change.

"Breakfast baby girl." My father answered. "Good morning to you too."

I found all of this extremely weird. Maybe because we never sat down to eat breakfast together, as one, as a family, ever.


It was suspiciously odd how all of a sudden they wanted to eat breakfast together. Something was going on, and they weren't telling me about it. I didn't have time to dwell on their change in character, so I ate the breakfast and left the house.

I walked outside to see my best friend waiting for me with a mean, evil look in her eyes. I assumed she was mad at me or something, but I didn't really care. We were about to be late for school.

"Took you long enough." She said sarcastically as she walked a bit ahead of me, clearly pissed at my tardiness.

"Sorry. We were eating breakfast." I said as I tried to catch up to her. It still felt weird saying that and knowing that it only happened a few minutes ago.

She stopped right in her tracks and yelled. "YOUR FAMILY ATE BREAKFAST!?"

"I know right." I ignored her loudness, as I always do. But I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who found it unnatural for my family to do something 'normal'. I shook my head and sighed. "Weird"

As we walked in the school, the first person I saw was none other than the one person who could make my heart speed up and slow down at the same time.


My heart instantly stopped, and for a moment there I felt like I'd died and went to heaven. Snapping out of my daze, I quickly walked to my locker, put my jacket inside it and taking out the books I needed. Nia came up to me, my best friend, most likely wanting an explanation on why I walked off like that.

"What happened to you?'' She asked, making an ugly face, something she did a lot.

"Nothing. I just don't want to be late for class." I lied, closing my locker shut.

We were walking to class when I bumped into someone. I began to wonder if today was some sort of weird day that God put together just for me, because of course it just had to be none other than Princeton, Jacob's nickname.

I thought I was going to faint right where I stood. The only thing keeping me from doing just that is my fear of embarrassing myself in front of him. Our eyes met for the first time, and I do mean the first time. And may I just say that his eyes were beautiful. So beautiful that I literally almost drowned in his irises. After a minute of awkward and tense silence, he finally spoke. Thank god, because I sure as hell wasn't. Not that I could even if I wanted to.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." He said, still staring at me with that smile that made me go weak in the knees.

"A-Are you talking to m-me?" I stuttered in disbelief, still not believing he was actually saying something to me.

Maybe this was a hologram...

"You're the only beautiful girl here, so yeah. I'm talking you." He grinned, licking his lips slowly.

I just wanted to die right then and there. My little fantasy about him was cut short by the sound of the bell ringing. Instead of giving him a response, I just walked away not saying anything in return. I felt horrible for it, even more guilty when he was just standing there looking completely adorable as he looked lost. But he finally moved when one of his friend called him.

When I finally made my way inside my classroom, I fell in my seat and sighed. I'm such an idiot! What the hell is the matter with me? I had a chance to talk to him and I blew it. I can already feel that today is going to be a long day.

A very long one indeed.


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