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Soobin didn't mind if his flowers were being stolen anymore.

He lost the remnants of the red emotions circulating within him.

His burning rage was replaced by utter guilt, furthermore feeding on his flesh.

He couldn't believe he assumed someone's livelihood and think of negative things the person could probably do. Did he have the ability to read the peasant's mind?

Did he know about the person's background?


He assumed it all and think of them as existent.

He was just a feeble and innocent man, selling his friends to save and provide his family with their necessities.

Soobin's eyes sparkled, filled with the regret of the painful scorn he initially felt. He realized that his anger blinded him from the reality binding him. There are some people who have sympathy towards people just like him, believing that feeling scorn is utterly futile.

It weighed its heart as it continuously teared the aforementioned organ. He didn't mean to think badly of the young man.

He was really protective of his living companions.

Turning to approach the castle, Soobin grabbed the cloth covering his chest. His heart felt warm, as though it were comfortable in his walls. To sooth himself, he placed the guilt that had risen into the ground, waiting for countless flowers to bloom from it.

They were happy when they carried themselves out of the loam soil above their heads. They were certain that they will be used for wonderful purposes, prepared to lose their internal lives for this unfortunate peasant.

He couldn't wait to see Yeonjun looking for him in the garden.

Maybe he'll think fate eventually gave him a chance, but in reality Soobin pulled the invisible strings.

The young man hiding inside the castle didn't realize the corners of his lips curled as he watch from his bedroom window.

Did he still continue mumbling a single word?

He wondered, too. He watched as the peasant freely pick up the nimble stalks holding the glorious heads of the plants. The petals flinched as they were under his touch, but they endured it for him.

Maybe this is the job given to him by fate.

Maybe he finally had a purpose in this world, other than maintaining balance to the natural society.

He finally had a job to fulfill.

A job to help someone in need, just like what his father did to him.

His father did everything he could so he could get out.

He could easily get out of the hateful gaze of the proud duchess.

Reaching his hand out, he silently wanted to help the other person rejoicing in his utopia. The rest of the flowers bound by their roots on the land rustled, their petals touching.

But he knew he couldn't.

He couldn't bear to take off his old mask.

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