Let This Be Light Work (Stevebucky)

157 2 1

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Author: caughtinanocean

Word Count: 8628


On the run with Sam and Natasha, Steve finds the words to describe his commitment to Bucky. As with most of Steve's decisions, there are unintended consequences.

"It's no use," Natasha tells Sam. "You won't get him to go out and flirt. Steve here's a married man."

They're somewhere in Croatia, and Sam's been hard at work, trying to pull Steve away from a busy night of sketching and staring at his phone. He wants to go out and drink plum brandy and dance with the locals.

"You should go without me," Steve says, hazy. Married. A married man. Isn't that something?

You can read it here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/19387657

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