chapter 1

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saturday night 10pm

kyler's pov

I am just finishing up a long workout, I'm so tired I just want to go to my apartment and chill with my girlfriend. I pull out my phone to text her but I see that she already texted me 

from babyg :) : hey baby, I'm going to lamda tonight with ang, liz and some of my other friends for a girls night. I'll be safe and ill call you if I need anything. I love you.

omfg, I already know how this is gonna end. I just wanted to have a chill night with my girlfriend, but now im gonna be worried about her all night because I know she's gonna come back to me twisted as fuck. she's 19 she shouldn't even be drinking but, she's at fucking lamda. They don't give a fuck what she does and shes ASU's softball All-American shortstop. 

lamda is one of ASU's frats, they throw parties and darties every week and guess who's at everyone, Jordan Siarra Vanrkz, my girlfriend. 

anyways I spent about 20mins trying to decide if I should pull up to lamda with my friends. I decide on no because its girls night. I just want to make sure she makes it home safe to me. 

sunday morning 3am

jordy's pov

"SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS," im literally screaming at the top of my voice to the song. 

by now I can't feel anything im so drunk and high all my cognitive is gone asf. im just twerking and living right now. until I pass out...

sunday afternoon 12pm

I wake up in Kyle's bed, thank god, I look up and see him walking through his room door shirtless with a bottle of water in his hand. I sit up slowly to not agitate my hangover anymore. 

he hands me the water , " thanks baby, what the fuck happened last night?" I asked out of curiosity. 

" ang called me at like 3am telling me you passed out in the bedroom upstairs and you wouldn't wake up so I came and got you." he said kinda irritated with me  

"holy shit babe im sorr-"

"save it j, you know I don't care if you go out drinking if your responsible, but you have yet to be responsible. you could have literally fucking died Jordan. like you need to quit being so fucking reckless babygirl." 

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