Part 1

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"Nurse?... Nurse!...Nurse?!" This was all you heard Monday to Friday. You barely had any time to sit down with a cup of tea at work before you were desperately needed again but you loved your job, you loved being able to help people. After your mother had passed in an accident, you had set yourself on a path of ensuring no one else ever had to feel the pain that you did. So, crossing through the ward to the worried parents in the children's ward, you assessed their child. Sure enough, the child had a temperature but after a small dose of antibiotics and a cold flannel, the child was back off to sleep and the parents relaxed for a little bit longer. "Thank you" they said with a small tight smile, "anytime!" You beamed at them.

It was true that not all parents or patients paid you any respect for the amount of work you did, but you didn't mind, they were preoccupied and you understood. Moving back across through to the nurses station, you quickly washed your hands and clocked out for a quick lunch break. Once you had pulled your bag from your locker, you headed towards the canteen of the hospital. As usual it was thriving full of people, some crying, some looking sad and very rarely the smiles of those recovering. Choosing your lunch and placing it on a tray with a hot chocolate, you moved towards the cash register. Just as you were about to join the que, a tall man cut In front of you. Annoyed, you checked the clock and saw you didn't have much time left for lunch. Coughing loudly to announce your annoyance, the man slowly turned to look over his shoulder at you.

He was just... Tall, dark curly hair, bright blue eyes and luscious lips... He was perfect. Looking down at you, he suddenly realise what he had done and profusely apologised. "Oh goodness! Did I push In front? I'm terribly sorry!" He babbled and you realise you were staring with your eyes wide. Snapping out of your day dream you quickly looked down and moved a piece of hair out of your face as you struggled to find any words "errr..." , damn it! You ha to think of something to say! "It's uhh fine" you said with a smile. Moving out of the way, he turned to talk to you, "honestly no, that was awfully rude of me!" , smiling up at him, you replied quickly and quietly "no, it's really fine", amused at your obvious shyness, he smiled, "at least let me pay for your lunch?" He looked down at your tray and gestured to the cashier lady that he would be buying.

Embarrassed by his kind gesture, once he was finished, he brought his own tray and your own over to a table. Once he had placed the tray down, he looked up at you and smiled, pulling a chair out for you to sit. "I have to get back soon" I began, glancing over at the clock. "I know, but even a hardworking nurse needs a break" he said and winked. Laughing and sitting down, you both enjoyed a long conversation about both your jobs,( he was an actor) , why he was there, (his friend was sick) and after what felt like only a short time, your phone rang. Dazed, you fumbled for it in your bag and answered it. "Hello?" You answered. "Y/N? Where are you? You were due back 10 minutes ago?" Your good friend Jenny, another nurse began to hurry you to get back and looking sympathetically towards who you learned was named Benedict, you started to pack up your bag again. After you hung up, you frowned and apologised to Him "I'm really sorry but I'm needed back on the ward" , at first he appeared a little disappointed but after a beat he smiled again.

"No worries!" He slid his chair back and emptied both your trays while you grabbed your stuff and stood up. Holding out your hand to shake his, he laughed. "So formal" he joked whilst shaking your hand, "Well nurse Y/N, I would really like to walk you back to the ward and explain why you're late?" , at this you smiled and nodded you're consent. On the walk back to the ward you looked up at him "you really don't need to explain why I'm late" and you laughed slightly, "I just don't want you in trouble on my account" he replied smoothly. Walking up to the nurses station, Jenny walked up to you, not quite noticing Benedict "Y/N! Thank god! Where have you been?" , gesturing towards Benedict, Jenny looked at him and immediately composed herself. "Uhhh" , Benedict smiled at her, "my apologies for her lateness, it is really entirely my fault" , she looked flustered "I uhhh it's fine" . Turning to look you in the eyes, Benedict spoke softly to you, "Y/N, I would really love to see you again?" , smiling, you bent over the desk and scribbled down your mobile number and handed it to him, surprised he nodded his thanks to you just as a patient began to need help. Preoccupied, you sprang into action and looked at Benedict who quickly waved his goodbyes as you and Jenny hurried to the aid of the patient. Once the job was done, you and Jenny began the cleaning of a bed, "sooooo..." She said, "who was that at lunch?!" She quizzed you excitedly! All you could do was smile in response as you replayed the meeting to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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