The beggining of fate

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The others around me stood up and began their 'pre-jump checks' and so I followed suit. I moved so that I was behind another man, it seemed I would be the last to jump. Then out of the shadows a poor lad emerged and stood behind me. He looked so young and innocent, you wouldn't think he had become a soldier and joined the rest of us in this godforsaken life in hell. He was only small, maybe five foot three in height. His arms looked like branches from a silver beech tree but his legs were the trunk of a great oak tree.

Sounds of metal and rummaging filled the air as each one of us was checked over, the jump that was likely to be my end grew closer with every passing srcond. This was going to kill me either way. Even if I made it to the ground in tact, I would be in the middle of Italy surrounded by a superior enemy that would butcher me on the spot.

I looked up at the lad, his face was white like the moon. "You'll be okay lad , we'll be home before you know it." I said as my hand rested on his shoulder. I knew it wouldn't be okay, but this boy looked like he would break down without my words to concert him. "Are you sure?" His words were uneased as he said this with his innocent unbroken voice.

How could I be sure for him when I was here fearful for my own life? Somehow I found courage and strength within me. "Positive." I replied with a smile to boost his confidence,he needed it, more so than the rest of us.

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