chapter 61

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Kate Pov

When I went downstairs Tony was literally looking like if he was going to be drooling if he didn't stop watching me, it was quite cute. Tony had told be that he didn't know where he was going to carry me when he asked me out, but I told him I didn't care as long as I was with him I'll be happy. Tony had carry me to this place called Griffith Park, it was fucking gorgeous. I don't even know why Tony thought I'd hate this place like it was amazing. I loved how the place was lit up it looked so amazing in the night, that's actually a reason I love the night so much. Tony had bought flowers for me and there were so beautiful like literally I've never saw any boy really buy so amazing flowers for there girl but you know Tony's different from most boys. After a few minutes of us being there we left to go the next place Tony said that he was carrying me.....

Kate: are we there yet
Tony: no
Kate: how about now
Tony: Kate
Kate: what I just really want to know
Tony: we're almost day
Kate: you sure
Tony: actually we're here
Kate: no way the beach, Tony

When I was younger my Aunty who had die would dig my dad, uncle and aunty for all of us to go to the beach at night and we'd wild play and all sorts of things. I miss her and for Tony to bring me the beach right now it's the best part of tonight at least I'll have a new person to spend night's like this. The only reason I've never talk to Tony about my aunt is because she was killed and well it hard to talk about it, like she was the most best aunty in the world. She was one of those aunt's that you could talk to and feel comfortable you know.....

Tony: Kate, why are you crying
Kate: come here I want a hug
Tony: Kate, what's wrong
Kate: nothing, just know that I love you with all my heart
Tony: Kate is it because you and your aunt use to do this, go at the beach in the night
Kate: how about we come out of the car and I'll tell you everything
Tony: ok, just let me get some thing from the back
Kate: ok you do that, I'm taking out my shoe I don't want to destroy it
Tony: ok you ready
Kate: wait we're going to have a picnic
Tony: sure why not

I helped Tony spread a sheet on the sand, oh the sand felt so good under my feet.....

Tony: ok....
Kate: ok....

I sat down and Tony lead his on my lap.....

Kate: ok so what you want to know
Tony: about why were you crying in the car
Kate: ok so I'll start with my aunt
Tony: ok then
Kate: so well I don't really talk about my aunty because well she was killed
Tony: what
Kate: yeah, so when I talk about her I kinda remember her so i cry and well when I saw that you bought me to the beach and I remember how i use to do that with her before she die and well I thought to myself that you were the new person that I'm going to always love doing this with
Tony: I am
Kate: yess Tony, you are and promise me that this will be our thing only
Tony: I promise
Kate: I love you
Tony: I love you to ( there kiss)
Kate: so what you want to do now
Tony: take pic of us maybe, feed you strawberries
Kate: you got strawberries
Tony: yeah
Kate: well I want to feed you first
Tony: haha....

Me and Tony feed each other the strawberries and then we took pics, we even maybe made out a little bit like what am I saying we made out alot. After that we got tired and just went home....

Back home

Addison: hey so how was you guys date
Kate: good
Dixie: just good
Addison: yeah like watch you guys, like Kate lipstick is gone and well Tony now has lipstick on
Tony: guys don't need to know anything that happen tonight
Addison: I'll just ask Ondreaz
Tony: why Ondreaz
Addison: because Kate tells Ondreaz everything
Kate: well I'm sorry guys but not what happened to night
Dixie: you guys sounds as if you had sex
Tony: oh I wish
Kate: shut up Tony, well I'll see you guys in the morning I'm going to bathe and go to bed
Addison: later Kate

      I went upstairs and yes of course Tony falled me, when I went into the room it was a shock that Ondreaz wasn't in bed...

Tony: so you're going to do
Kate: you know
Tony: can I join
Kate: no
Tony: can't blame a guy for trying
Kate: oh my sweet baby Tony, I'm sorry that I always make you horny but you have live with it until I'm ready
Tony: are you ready now
Kate: Tony
Tony: ahhh...I hate you
Kate: of course you do, bye I'm going to shower

Before I left to shower I grab some pajamas and then went and shower.

     After I was done I was about to change but then notice that I didn't got no underwear, like how could I forget that

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     After I was done I was about to change but then notice that I didn't got no underwear, like how could I forget that.....

So guys that thing about Kate aunty that die and that she loved to go at the beach at night is true. Like I love to do that because of my aunt....... hope you guys like and see you for the next chapter

Falling For Tony LopezWhere stories live. Discover now