•Just another day•

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You cracked your eyes to the phone yelling at you to get up. You scrambled to find it so it would halt its ear-rape. Walking into the kitchen, your greeted with the faint smell of cheap instant coffee, as your mother had already left for work. You made your self a small breakfast as you got prepared for school. As much as you didn't like it, you threw your uniform on and got your shoes.

You walked out the door, and saw your friends waiting by the door. You started chatting with them as you walked, and arrived at your school. You walked it, greeted with the hoard of grown-children yelling and talking. This was annoying, of course, but at this point, it was white-noise. You walked to your locker and entered the code. You threw your math books into your bag as you walked to said class. It wasn't your best class, but you could understand some of it. To a degree.
The teacher walked into the door as the class' eyes shot to her. She started her lecture and jotted some questions on the chalk board. You were fiddling with your pen, just as the teacher called your name. She threw a question at you, expecting you to mess up. You said the answer, in a 'I-hate-this-class-let-me-leave' type voice. When she started to go back to her lecture, you just doodled on a spare piece of paper until the bells of heaven rang to let you out. You walked out and went to your locker, per usual. Your unlucky self was placed next to Jotaro Kujo's locker, to the right, 3 lockers down. That still was a problem due to his fan-base making a mob-pit around him, fighting for his attention. You grabbed your books and dragged yourself to history. You sat down as class started, and just spaced out for about 5-minutes. However, someone disturbed your big-brain moment by tapping your shoulder and giving you a note. It was passed on by your friend, and it stated in horrible penmanship, "Wanna come over to my house after school ;) I have Final Fantasy 7 Remake :D!" You quietly snickered at her childish writing and jotted down, "Sure, but I call playing first :)." You gave the kid next to you the note, telling him to pass it your friend while the teacher wasn't looking. He passed it to her just as the bell rang for the next class, which wasn't your worst one.
You got up and waltzed out of class to your locker. But look at your luck. Guess he was there. You swam through the sea of fan girls and made it to your locker, somehow.
Under your breath you muttered a small "Insane much?" One of the girls whipped around and stated "I'm not insane, maybe if you had actual taste in guys, you would be the same!" She almost yelled it, making you slightly irritated. You walk off and head to your next class.

The day went by quick, and your glad it did. You walked to your friend's house while texting your mother about your plans.
{A/N} First chapter done :D I hope to post every week, and if I feel like it, a bit more. Hope you liked it, and yes, I made you a Final Fantasy Fan 👌.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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