fluff bc its cute

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I was sitting on my bed, reading a book. The Bible because its a good book, y'know. It was pretty calming, but not for long. Niko kicks open the door and screams 'WASSUP PUSSY'. I immediately scream, not expecting that too happen. Niko, being the little b××ch he is, just laughs it off.

'why do you do this to me ?--' I asked. He just replied with 'Because its the haha laugh funni'. Yeah great explanation. I sighed and put my book down before looking at him, 'So what do you need ?'

He shruged a bit, 'I dunno I just like bothering you'. I sighed a bit and patted the spot next to me, basiclly telling him to sit down. He just sat down and did the 👉👈 motion with his fingers. 'you good?' I asked him. He just responded with 'Can we uhhh-- c-ca-ca SPIT IT OUT BUH-BU-BILLIAM'

I chuckled a bit and gently patted Niko's head, almost instantly taking my hands away. Dammit-- did it seem weird ?-- isvwoevow-- 'Sooo whatcha gonna say ?' I said to the angry wawa

'Can we hug ?--' he asked quickly. I blinked a few times before nodding. It took us some time to get over the awkward tension, but eventually we just hugged. It was nice, I guess. I played a bit with Niko's hair. I never seen it up close but its really pretty. But I'm not gay or anything, ppssshhhhh-- T O T A L L Y.

Niko's POV

GOOD JOB BITCH BOY YOU DIDN'T FUCK UP. But my stuttering did do some damage- ehhhh whatever. Hugging the Jesus kid. eBic. I thought he was gonna be mean to me but he seems nice, I guess. I let out a small smile. I can tell that he's touching my hair. Should I stop him ? Naahhhhh.

'quick question. What the fuck is oatmeal' I ask, I genuinely don't know what oatmeal is- Thomas responds with 'I-- I don't know--'. We just laugh about it and release from the hug.

I see that he's looking at my hair like its something amazing or sum shit. I inhale a bit and rest my head on his lap. YOU DID IT BITCH AAYYYY. I look up at him and smile like the doofus I am. He just chuckles and started to pet my head.

I continue to look up at him, unable to stop smiling. He's also smiling. KWVEOHAOWGWOWGOSBEOEGOE. HAHA LAUGH FUNNI GAHAHGAYYSHSKBDOEBEP.

I'm fucking gay-- thats it--

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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