Chapter 8 Part Two

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Warning: cursing

~12:57 AM - Fourth Night~ 

        Some time had passed from when Anastasia had rescued Jeremy from the bathrooms. They were still sitting on the floor with both doors closed. They decided to just let the hetaloids get their anger out on the door. 'Sooner or later they're going to have to go back to the stage and recharge. They can't keep this up all night,' Anastasia thought to herself. Jeremy had moved away from the girl and was quietly rocking back and forth in the back left corner of the office, trying to calm himself down. He jumped ever so slightly when the phone rang. Anastasia quickly got to her feet and grabbed the phone.

        "Hello?" She questioned.

        "Thank goodness you picked up this time! I was about to call the police and report a missing person, but I see no need to now that I know you are fine," the mysterious lady said.

        "Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a... uh... tiny issue that needed to be taken care of before I could speak to you." Anastasia glanced back to the shaking form of Jeremy.

        "That's good to hear. I mean about you being fine. Not the issue part. Anyway... Day four, huh? I knew you could do it. I need you to listen. I may not be able to give you a call tomorrow," the woman said. François came to the left door and began to bang on it. "Is everything alright over there?" She questioned, being rather concerned.

        "Yeah, everything is completely and totally fine," Anastasia said while peering out of the window at the Frenchman and sticking her tongue out at him in a mocking fashion.

        "If you say so. Anyway, I've been having a pretty rough night myself. Uh, I wanted to warn you about something. What ever you do, do not look in the other room in the back room." She paused as she heard more loud banging. The 2p! Canada Hetaloid had decided to show his face at the right door and beat on it like his father was doing to the left door. "I'm hoping that you heed my advice. Maybe then things won't get any worse." The banging sound got louder. "Are you positive that everything is okay over on your end?"

        "Yes, I'm positive." Anastasia changed her position from looking out of the left window to glaring out of the right window at Matt. Jeremy's rocking intensified as the hetaloids beat the doors.

        "Alright then," the mysterious lady said. Anastasia could hear a grandfather clock chiming in the background noise of the woman's phone. "Well, it's one o'clock. I should be heading off to bed. I'll leave you to your job. Good night Anastasia."

        "Good night Miss." Anastasia hung up and put the phone back in its place. She looked back out of both windows. "Don't you guys have anything better to do than try to kill me and Jeremy?" She inquired. The 2p! France Hetaloid grunted and gave up. He walked down the West Hall and presumably to the dining area to sit and mope like he usually did. Matthieu glared through the window and went down the East Hall. Anastasia opened both doors. She glanced down to Jeremy again. He was still shaking violently in the corner. The platinum blond grabbed the tablet and checked the power level. It was down to 76% and it was only five after one. She sighed and took at seat next to Jeremy and put an arm around him.

        "Shh. It's okay Jeremy. They are gone now. Everything is going to be fine," she said soothingly. Jeremy rapped his arms around her and cried into her shoulder. Anastasia hugged him back and continued to console her stressed companion. "Hey, I have an idea. How about we ask each other some questions to get to know one another better?"

        Jeremy removed his face from her shoulder and nodded. "You can go first," he said as he choked back his last few tears.

        "Alright. What's your favorite color? Mine's blue."

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