2: "I'll be here now"

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I sat in the car next to Tony. I stared out the window trying to ignore the fact of how he treated me. At first, it reminded me of my Dad, Daniel and how he was rough with me. Then it evolved into Carol, sweet and gentle. I hadn't spoken to Carol in years, she had been the one to explain my powers before she left Earth.

"So did you see my court trial?"

Tony asked I guess he was trying to lighten the mood. I looked over at him and nodded before returning to my window.

"Still can't believe you said a weapon wasn't a weapon"

I could feel his eyes on me.

"It isn't a weapon Elizabeth"

I whipped my head and glared at him.

"No one calls me Elizabeth"

I was furious, I only let few people call me Elizabeth because it was such a strong connection to my mother. Margret Elizabeth Carter, the woman whom Captain America relied on. That's what they said at least and by they I mean the Howling Commandos. Minus one or two.

"Why not? I thought you loved being called that"

Tony seemed sincere but also kinda jokey.

"I don't, never did. It's a connection to my mother and she was never there"

He put a hand on my shoulder,

"I'm sorry kid, you didn't deserve that"

I pulled my shoulder into me to get his hand off me. The car had stopped, and Tony stepped out and walked around to open my door. He offered me his hand which I took.

"You mentioned your mental health didn't allow you to be safe alone sometimes, why is that?"

He seemed concerned and I was surprised he remembered me saying that.

"I'm anorexic and bulimic. Put aside the major depressive disorder, the social and generalised anxiety, I'm not a really healthy person. I also have a tendency to self-harm and am extremely suicidal"

I told him casually. He looked shocked, sympathetic, scared and furious all in one.

"I'm not a psych but that sounds bad"

I rolled my eyes. I just wanted to get a room, text my friends and not cut myself.

"Of course it is, not to mention the PTSD"

We walked off barely speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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