Technically a chapter.

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(Have some of the rat bastard man. (Trash goblin rat bastard man. Whatever you prefer.)

Still a vital chapter for Emile and Remys relationship. (And very fluffy.)

Enjoy this short fluff while I wait for my brain cells to regenerate and while my creativity hypes up again.

(And now we are back. (Remy has now arrived at the nursery))

Emile. (Not his Point of View.)

Emile bounced a baby lightly in his arms. It was Virgil, he just wouldn't go back to sleep. A few volunteers had arrived as well, making this a little bit more manageable. "Emile? I don't mean to bug you... But Remus won't eat." Emile looked up at the volunteer. "Ok.. hold on, I'll be right there." Emile went to put Virgil down, but he started crying and clinged onto him. Emile bounced him lightly. "Shh... I won't put you down... Shh..." Emile took a deep breath. "This might be a little bit difficult." "Babes?" Emile breathed a sigh of relief as Remy called for him. "In here." Remy walked in, same sunglasses, same leather jacket, same overly caffeinated coffee. "Woah.. you weren't kidding." Remy said, looking at the 4 babies scattered around the room. Emile looked down at Virgil. "I Can't put him down... He'll start crying." Remy looked at Virgil. "Maybe... I could try?" Emile looked up at him. "You?" Remy shrugged. "You want him to go to sleep right? I radiate sleepy energy." Emile laughs. "And yet you still manage to stay up for 2 weeks." Remy smiled. "Anything is possible with coffee." "Alright... We'll just have to see what he does." Remy sat his cup down and carefully took Virgil from Emile. This startled Virgil, who looked up at Remy with teared-filled eyes. Nevertheless, he cuddled into Remys hold, his eyes slowly starting to droop shut. As Virgil fell asleep, Remy looked up. "See? Told you." Emile smiled and hugged Remy gently. "Thank you... Now I have to go get Remus to eat be back in a moment." Emile nodded and walked off, finding the chaotic baby a moment later. Emile took the bottle from the volunteer, who thanked him and walked off to help the others. Emile looked at the bottle and knew the problem almost immediately. He walked into the kitchen and switched the plain bottle for one covered in what looks like hundreds of bugs. After walking back into the room where Remus stayed, he picked the child up and walked into the living room to feed him, sitting him in his lap and tilting the bottle up. Remus sucked on the bottle happily, drinking most if not all of it. Emile pulled the bottle away and burped him, smiling and putting him back in his crib. Remus didn't fuss like he normally did, actually just relaxing and falling asleep. Emile walked back out into the living room to find Remy and Virgil. He found them both passed out on the couch, Remy laying down with Coffee in his hand and Virgil on his chest. Emile smiled and his heart melted at the scene.  He yawned, figuring the others could handle it for the day, and layed down beside them, cuddling into Remys arm and falling asleep.

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