Five | The Plan

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 "I don't know how I feel about that Haku kid using his earthbending. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen." Sokka confesses to you and Aang as you're packing up the next morning. "His mom seems worried for a good reason."

"Whether or not he bent was his choice. Katara didn't force his hand. He chose to do what was right." You shrug, folding and refolding the same unruly blanket.

"Yeah, he saved that guy." Aang adds.

"Yeah, he needed to, but... I just don't think we should be getting tangled up in stuff." Sokka stuffs his final piece of bedding into his bag and ties it shut.

"That seems like the only thing we know how to do." You reply.

"That's what I'm saying! We need a break! A day off!"

"I don't think we can take a weekend from this. It's in our nature."

"What is?"

"Being... Shenanigan magnets."

"Is that what we're calling it?" He snorts.

"I dunno. I kind of like it." Aang muses. "But can we make it catchier?"

Sokka strokes his chin. "Shen-agnets? Mag-nanigans?"

"Those portmanteaus are abominations."

"Hey! I like Mag-nanigans."

Your attention is caught by a figure in the doorway. Katara. A certain pallor has overtaken her tan complexion. She seems distraught.

"They took him." Her voice quivers. The three of you hurry to her side.

"What?" Aang's face drops. He asks, but he knows.

"The old man turned him in to the Fire Nation. It's all my fault! I forced him into bending!"

"It's not your fault, Katara. Haru did what was right, and it's wrong that he's paying for it." You place a hand on her shoulder. "When did this happen?"

"Haru's mother said they came for him at midnight."

"Then it's too late to track him. He's long gone." Sokka says.

Katara turns to the door with a fire alight in her eyes. Her fist is clenched; Her jaw is tight. "We don't need to track him. The Fire Nation is going to take me right to Haru."

"And... Why would they do that?" Aang cocks his brow.

"Because they're going to arrest me for earthbending."


She purses her lips. It's clear she didn't get that far.

"What we need to do is find a way to move rocks without touching them. That's going to require some sort of pulley system, or something." Sokka says.

"We've got something better." You reply. "Airbending."

"How am I gonna do that without anyone seeing me?" Aang asks.

"If we had some kind of tunnel..."

"Wait, (Y/N)! The air vents!" Sokka exclaims. "The ones outside the town, over the mining tunnels."

"So we'll just have Aang stand on one side, and shoot some air through to move some rocks on the other?" Katara runs through the plan, piecing it all together. "That sounds... Really easy."

"We better go give this a test run. Who knows how much time we have." You cross the room to sling your bag over your shoulder, and with that, you're ready to head out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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