Chapter 1

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Hi guys I'm really sorry that it has taking me weeks to write that official fresh chapter to my new story but here it goes.
Third person POV:

Once you learned of what Ben has done to Luke's Academy you were so devastated you could barely even believe it. It's been two months since you have seen Ben and it's been a month since he destroyed Luke's academy.

You are training with Leia

"Can we take a break I am not feeling so good"
you tell Leia

Leia says "why don't you go get yourself checked out"

You excuse yourself and leave for the infirmary they do some test and that's it, you will get your test results back in a few days. On your way out you run into Poe Dameron (a really close friend). Ever since you found out that Ben has turned to the Darkside Poe has been by your side every single second.

"Hey Poe what's up?" you ask

"Nothin much I just have a meeting with Leia" he replies and you say ur goodbye's and you leave and go to your room.

OMG I just posted my official first chapter for this story!!!!
I hope u like it please check out my other book which I will re-read soon and will continue writing and adding on to it 🙂
- Just a disclaimer that I know that this chapter was really short I will try to make them a bit longer but in this chapter there wasn't much to say it was just the beginning of the book and I was writing this chapter at 12 am so I was half asleep my apologies I will try to make the other chapters longer, more interesting, and more detailed.

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